You're beautiful; you know that, right?

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AN: a fluffy little chapter I wanted to write after watching season 5; episode 4 "Crow's Feet."

Nick couldn't stop thinking about the stupidity of that whack job "doctor" who killed two women who just wanted to look younger. Nic was worried about Catherine. He knew that the man's words had affected her, but Catherine was a beautiful woman. Nick had been sure to let Catherine know what he thought.

Catherine had seemed okay when Nick had left work. Sadly, Nick couldn't get the image of all those women sitting in that "doctor's office" thinking something was wrong with them just because they were aging.

Nick sat down on his couch and picked up his phone; he had a few phone calls to make.

"Hello?" The voice on the other end of the line was light and happy.

"Hey Mama, how're you doing?" Nick asked as he smiled when he heard his mother's voice on the other end of the line.

"Nicky! Hi, Sweetheart! Is everything okay?" Jillian Stokes' voice was filled with concern.

"Yeah Mama, everything's fine." Nick had to laugh at how worried his mom sounded.

"You're still planning on coming home for Thanksgiving, right?"

"Mama, can't I just call to say hi?" Nick was still laughing.

"Of course Sweetheart. Now, why don't you tell me about your day?" Jillian Stokes asked.

Nick did; he sat on his couch and told his mom about the last case he had just closed. "I did want to tell you how beautiful you are Mama. Thank you for all you've done through the years, and being a great mom, and grandma."

"Thank you, Nicky." Nick could tell that his mom was trying to not cry at the sweet words her youngest child had to say to her.

"I mean every word, Mama. I love you." Nick and Jillian Stokes talked for a few more minutes. As soon as Nick hung up the phone, he made his next phone call. Nick called all of his sisters and nieces, just to tell them how beautiful they were. He even had his sister Kimberly put the phone on speaker so Nick could tell his eleven-month-old niece Elizabeth how beautiful she was.

When Nick got off the phone with his sister Kimberly, he looked at the clock. He had been on the phone for three hours, but there was still one more phone call he had to make.

"Hello?" The voice on the other end of the phone sounded a bit winded like the person had to rush to get to the phone.

"Did you just get done running a marathon Gracie?" Nick couldn't help but tease the woman he knew he loved.

"Shut up Nicky. I was outside when I heard the phone ring." There was pure laughter in Emma Grace's voice.

"So, what's up? You're still coming home for Thanksgiving, right?"

"Yeah, I'm still coming home for Thanksgiving. How's your day been?" Emma Grace could hear the actual curiosity in Nick's voice.

"It was good. I've been working on the files of those two girls I met in Vegas. I talked to your mom, and she's excited to meet Marie and Kaitlin. Do you think they'll get along with everyone?" It was obvious that Emma Grace wanted the two orphan girls she had met and grown attached to, to feel comfortable at the Stokes home for the holidays.

"I think they'll both be a little nervous at first, but with the way our family is the girls will feel comfortable there by the end of the first day." Nick was confident of this. He had met Marie and Kaitlin a few times, and he had to admit that there was something special about both of the girls. They both reminded Nick of Emma Grace at their ages.

"They'll probably want to stick close to you and me. Are you okay with that?"

"Of course, Gracie. Those girls deserve a real family gathering."

"Okay, so that's how my day has been, now how was your day?"

"I had to deal with an idiot who thinks he's a real doctor." Nick's voice had grown stern, and Emma Grace knew that whatever case Nick had worked on had taken a toll on Nick.

"What happened Nicky?" Emma Grace's voice was soft, and that's all it took for Nick to start spilling his guts about the case he and Catherine had just closed and Nick's concern for Catherine.

"She'll be okay Nicky. Catherine's a strong woman with a good head on her shoulders. She knows how beautiful she is."

"You're right. Hey, I wanted to tell you something else."

"What's that?"

"You're beautiful; you know that, right?" The love in Nick's voice overwhelmed Emma Grace for a minute.

"Nicky." Was all that Emma Grace could mumble through the phone.

"I mean it, Gracie. You're the most beautiful woman I've ever laid eyes on. Your heart matches your beauty too. You have the biggest heart of anyone I know, and you continually amaze me." Nick knew he was taking the risk of messing up their relationship that had finally healed after all these years, but he had to tell Emma Grace how he felt.

"Thank you, Nicky," Emma Grace whispered truly humbled by her best friend's words.

"I- anytime Gracie." Nick had been ready to tell Emma Grace he loved her, but he still wasn't brave enough to do it.

The two talked for a few more minutes, then Emma Grace was the one to end the phone call. "Nicky, I'm sorry, but I have to get back to work on the girls' files. Is it okay if I call you later?"

"Of course."

"Okay, I'll talk to you soon Nicky. Love you." With that Emma Grace hung up the phone.

Nick held the phone to his ear for a minute and listened to the dial tone. It wasn't weird for Emma Grace to tell him she loved him, but he knew that she didn't mean it romantically. The thing was, Nick couldn't say it back because he knew his emotions would betray him, and Emma Grace would know that Nick didn't just love her, he was in love with her.

Nick sighed and put the phone down. He needed to find something to eat and watch some TV after everything today had brought.

About a week later Cathriene found Nick to show him a card Emma Grace had sent her. Catherine informed him there had been other things with the card to give Catherine a spa day at home. Catherine told Nick to give her Emma Grace's phone number so she could thank the younger woman. As Nick walked away, he thought Yep, Gracie's beautiful inside and out. I love that woman.

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