Wedding Bells are Ringing

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The night of Saturday, July 9th, 2005 changed everything for Nick and Emma Grace yet again.

It started the night of July 8th. The whole Stokes family, along with Maya's family and some of their closest friends for Chris and Maya's rehearsal dinner. Everyone was enjoying the outdoor barbeque equipped with games that the couple loved to play. 

Nick was sitting with his brothers-in-law and some of his nephews listening to different people telling stories about the couple when Emma Grace took the mic to share some stories. 

"I've known Chris for twenty-six years now," Emma Grace began her speech. "And, I won't lie, there were times I would wonder if there was a woman out there who could put up with him. Then, Maya came out of nowhere and knocked Chris flat on his butt. Maya was the person who could keep up with Chris and, believe it or not; she's more stubborn than him." Everyone chuckled at that.

 "Maya helped Chris become the man he always wanted to be because she loved the rough and broken parts of him along with the best parts of him. Maya, I'm so glad you're the woman that Chris loves, and I can't wait for you to become my sister-in-law tomorrow. Chris, I love you, and it's about time you finally settled down you big dufus." When Emma Grace finished her speech Chris and Maya both hugged her.

A few more people shared stories about the couple before the music started. "I'm going to ask my soon-to-be wife to dance. Nicky, you should go ask Emma Grace." Chris gave Nick a pointed look and left to find Maya. Nick watched Emma Grace as she talked to some of Maya's friends. About a month ago they had put an end to a romantic relationship. Nick knew it was selfish, but he wanted to feel her in his arms again. So, he made his way over to her.

"Emma, would you like to dance?" Nick asked, interrupting the girls.

"Of course, Nicky." Emma Grace smiled at Nick as she let him lead her onto the dance floor.

"Are you staying with Chris and the guys tonight?" Emma asked as the two of them danced.

"I am. Are you staying with Maya?" Nick smiled as he spun Emma Grace around.

"I wasn't at first. I was worried about Maggie keeping everyone up. But, Mom and Pop offered to keep the girls, and Maya begged me."

"I bet Kaitlin and Marie are excited to stay with Mom and Cisco." He looked over Emma Grace's shoulder and saw his dad holding Kaitlin and Marie's hands while the three of them 'danced' together. The scene made Nick smile.

"They're ecstatic. I just hope the two of them and Maggie aren't too much for them to handle."

"Mom and Cisco raised seven kids. Three girls for one night will be a walk in the park for them." Nick reassured Emma Grace as he spun her around again.

"That's true. And Y'all turned out okay." Emma Grace ran her hand through the hair at the nape of Nick's neck; old habits died hard it seemed. Nick didn't say anything about the affectionate touch, and the couple danced the rest of the song in comfortable silence.

Nick and Emma Grace went in different directions after they finished their dance. The two talked to a variety of people until Nick felt a tug on his shirt sleeve. He looked down and locked eyes with seven-year-old Marie. Nick smiled and crouched down so that he was eye level with the little girl.

"What's up, Sweetheart?" Nick asked the little girl.

"Nick, would you dance with me like Grandpap did?" Nick couldn't help the smile that spread across his face at the little girl's request.

"Of course, Sweetheart." Nick lead Kaitlin out to the dance floor helping her up onto his feet as they started to dance. He felt peaceful happiness as he realized that Kaitlin had called his dad 'grandpa.'

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