Tape Catarpillar

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We pulled into the entrance of the casino and went to the front. Blake hopped out of the car and found a worker who drives the cars to the parking garage. I just sat there, tapping my foot on the floor.

Minutes later, Blake opened the car and pulled me out. When I stood on the Earth's ground, it felt nice. My legs were sore from the whole car ride, and you know, the kidnapping part. Blake brushed my hand and gripped it. I took it from him.

"Cathy, why don't you hold my hand?" He said in a cold and demanding tone.

I slowly put my hand in his. Blake smiled, and he started towards the entrance. Once we walked in, the heat hit us harder than a slap in the face. The smell of cigars and booze filled the place. I could hear the music of the slot machines ring in my ears. When we walked to the check in, Blake pointed to a restaurant to our left.

"That's where our first date is going to be."

Bella Italia

"An Italian restaurant?"

He sighed. "Yeah. I thought that was fancy."

I just rolled my eyes. We went up to the check in counter and a middle aged man greeted us.

"Hello and welcome to the IP. Are you checking in?"

"Yeah." Blake said while looking around the room.

The man arched his eyes, then relaxed with a sigh. "Alrighty then. Name?"

Blake snapped his focus back to the worker. "Victor O'conner. I got a VIP room."

"Okay Mr. O'conner, here are your room keys. Your room is number 5015 on the 31st floor. Have a nice day!"

Blake grabbed the room keys and my hand. We headed toward the elevators and got on one. We were the only people in there. As soon as the elevator doors closed, Blake turned me around and slammed me on the elevator wall. I gasped.

"There are cameras in here, you know."


I heard the elevator go ding as we arrived to our floor.

"So we are on our floor." I snapped.

We walked down a long hall. The floor was a dark marble, and the walls were painted a creamy color. There were chandeliers everywhere. The light made the diamonds sparkle.

Room 5015 was at the very end of the hall. Blake slipped out a room key and unlocked the brown, wooden door. When you walk inside, you immediately see a bathroom to your left and a bedroom to your right. In front was a full kitchen with a bar. Beside the kitchen was a living room with a green sectional couch and a black coffee table. There was an entertainment center with a flat screen television.

Blake led me to the bedroom. Inside was a king sized bed with green and black sheets.

"May I use the restroom?" I questioned.

He motioned me to go.When you walk into the bathroom, there was a jacuzzi and a shower with jets.

When I got done with my business, I walked out to see Blake laying on the bed. He smiled at the sight of me.

"Hop on sweet baby."

I sighed. I laid on the bed and curled up on my side. Then, I felt a hand grasp my side and turn me to face the other way. Blake just sat there and smiled at me.

"You are so beautiful."

"Dude, I know you don't really love me. You're just one of those creepers who stalk girls on the Internet." I stated.

"I can prove that I love you." He whispered very huskily.

I gulped. "How?"

Without any words, he adjusted himself so he was hovering over me. He look one hand put it on my abdomen, and trailed his way up to my face. He caressed my cheek and started to lean in close. He gave me a kiss on the mouth, then used his tongue to make a trail to my neck. He started to kiss my neck. My breathing got heavier by the second.

Next thing you know, he pushed my shoulders down, hard. His expression turned from seductive to evil.

He pulled out some duck tape. "This is for screaming bloody murder out the window."

My eyes widened. He wrapped tape around my mouth, shoulders, arms, and feet. I looked like a tape catarpillar.
He picked me up, took me to the bathroom, and threw me in the jacuzzi.

"Well, I will see you in a bit! I'm gonna go gamble now so, see ya! Oh. And there will be more punishment for that stupid idea."

Now I'm just going to sit here until he gets back.

Until more punishment.

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