I Am Cathy

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I felt blood splatter on my neck. Blake's arm loosened its grip from my throat, and he fell. I turned around to see Sean standing there. Then a second shot rang out.

Blood started to pour through his mouth. His eyes rolled back into his head, and he fell on me. I toppled over into the floor, crying. His blood kept spilling onto my shoulder. I saw the police start running towards me, picking up Sean, then me. Time was moving by slower than a snail. It felt like years before I got into the police car.

One of the police officers got into the car, started the engine, and started to drive.

I cleared my throat. "Sir, what is your name?"

He glanced back. "I'm Sheriff Wallis. Are you alright miss?"

Oh yeah I'm perfectly fine. Just got rescued after months of being tortured. Yup, everything is peachy.

I didn't answer. Instead I sat there and looked at the road, the trees, and just nature.

"Where are we going?"

Wallis sighed. "Back to Texas. Not gonna be long."

I arched my brows. "Where are we then? Sean said we were in Washington state."

Wallis laughed. "No, you're in Oklahoma. They lied to you because they wanted you to feel unsafe." He paused. "They were stupid to bring you here though. The whole Oklahoma state was keeping an eye out for you."

I nodded. When we stopped at a red light, Wallis turned around to check on me. I finally got a good look at him. He was about 25 with blonde hair and green eyes. His hair was a buzz cut. You can tell he hasn't slept in a while, for he had droopy eyes and scruffiness on his chin.

"You can go to sleep if you like. It will be about two hours until we get back." He suggested.

"Okay. Thank you."

I laid my head back, letting all of my thoughts slip away.


I sat in a room at the Sheriff's Office, staring at the blank, white wall in front of me. I sat in a cool metal chair, an oak table in front of me.

I was sipping on the coffee Wallis gave me before he put me in the "questioning room". I was still in the sweats covered in blood. They said they didn't have any clothes, but they would try and find some as soon as possible. My hair was a tangled mess, and I had bruises on my skin. Everywhere.

My head shot up as the door opened. A lady in a black pantsuit peaked her head through the door, and smiled. I gave her a quivering smile back. She walked in and sat in the chair across from me. She held out her hand, for I shook it.

"Hello Cathy, my name is Heather Reeves. I'm here to tell you about what's going to happen, and some of the discoveries we made in the past few hours."

I nodded. She had a briefcase with her. When she opened it, there was a laptop and a familiar camera.

"Ok. We are very, very sorry to tell you this. We obtained this camera from the room you stayed in and-" she paused. "And they drugged you, and did some very illegal things. We also found a laptop with videos on it. It seems that they have uploaded the videos onto a website. We-"

"So they raped me and got it on tape?" I interrupted, while tears started to flow down my face.

She frowned. "I'm very sorry Cathy."

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