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"He shoots, he scores! Congratulations on winning MVP again, champ!"

Rayne's best friend, Hunter, shouted after the  whole football game and prize presentation ceremony ended.

Rayne grinned at him, laughing. Then he saw a strand of red hair, and his smile got even wider.

"Hey Rayne! Congrats on winning MVP for the third time in a row! You were great out there in the field, star quarterback."

The red head said, smiling at him, making his heart melt.

Bianca Wells, Rayne's long term not-so secret crush since third grade.

It was a kind of really cliché crush, Bianca was his other best friend, besides Hunter. So having a crush on her would make it damn cliché.

But he couldn't help it. She was just too perfect to him. He loved everything about her. The way her red hair flowed in the wind, the way her eyes light up when she smiles with her evident dimples.

Snapping himself back to reality, he thanked her as she pulled him in for a hug.

The three best friends started to walk down the hallway, without everyone around them clapping for Rayne, making him feel slightly uncomfortable.

Not that he wasn't used to the attention, he was. Being the star quarterback of the school's football team and captain, three year MVP, and best friends with the head cheerleader and head of the student council made him one of the most popular guys in school.

But he just didn't enjoy being the center of attention. He didn't like people staring at him all the time, giving him all their attention when they could be doing something else more important in their life.

Rayne sighed and put on a fake smile, walking his way through the smiling faces of each student and out of the school to go back home.

Hunter and Bianca talked the whole way back to their house, making Rayne feel a bit left out.

Hunter and Bianca had known each other longer than Rayne knew the both of them, so naturally they both had more to talk about to each other then Rayne had with any one of them.

It honestly sucked, but he couldn't do anything about it, so he just decided to walk behind them.

That's when all of a sudden, two men in black appeared and grabbed Rayne, covering his mouth before he could shout for Bianca or Hunter.

They pulled him to a van and shut him inside it, before driving off.

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