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R A Y N E    P A R K E R

He got there, just in time to see two masked men trying to run away from the carpark.

"Hey, masked dudes! Going somewhere?"

The masked men looked at Rayne with humor.

"Get out of our way, kid."

"How about you stop calling me a kid and hand over your weapons so we can have a clean fight here."

The masked men shared a look, chuckling.

"You're from the ISAA, aren't you?"

Rayne nodded, keeping his eyes fixed on both the men, not noticing that behind him, a figure had appeared.

"What's it to you, if we're from the ISAA or not. Hand over your weapons and get on the floor. Make our lives easier, would you?"

Kendall said, standing beside Rayne. He shifted his gaze to look at her.

"What are you doing here?"

He whispered to her.

"I came to help, you're not the only secret agent here you know?"

Kendall's a secret agent? I didn't see that one coming. He thought to himself.

"Uh hey, romeo and juliet, if you're done with your little chit-chat, we have a ride to catch. Get out of our way."

Kendall, moved her grip to her pocket, seeming to be taking something out.

"You'll have to get through us first!"

She shouted, snatching out her gun out of her pocket. Rayne's eyes widened.

"You keep a gun in your pocket?"

"It's a tranquilizer gun, chill. You take the bald one, I'll take the one with the two guns."

Kendal answered, handing Rayne another gun.

"No problem, sweetheart."

The bald dude said, gesturing his hand forward. As he did that, more masked men appeared out of nowhere, surrounding the two of them.


Rayne cursed.

"Rayne. Focus on taking down the bald guy. I'll take care of the rest."

Kendall said.

"How are you possibly going to-"

Before he could finish his sentence, she took out lipstick from her pocket, uncapping it and pointing it at the army of men surrounding them.

One by one, she took out around 15 of those men with her lipstick.

"Lipstick taser, my young friend. Now go!"

She shouted at Rayne, before judo-flipping another one of the men.

Rayne ran towards the bald dude, aiming his gun at him.

"Drop your gun now and keep your hands behind your back, captain bald. Or I will shoot you."

"Oh you will shoot me? You won't dare. A young, bright futured boy like you wouldn't possibly dare to shoot someone and kill them."

The bald guy said, shoving Rayne to the ground. He managed to stop himself from falling, as he lifted himself up, pointing the gun back at the bald guy.

"And that's where you're wrong. I dare to shoot you."

And with a loud bang, Rayne pulled the trigger, firing a tranquilizer dart at the bald dude at lighting speed.

The bald dude fell the the ground, passing out.

Rayne turned to his partner, knocking him out with the back of his gun.

"Nice job, Rayne. How does it feel to win a fight against bad guys?"

Kendall asked him, knocking out one last bad guy.

"It feels...great."

Rayne smiled, but it faded away after a while. As he turned to face Kendall with a slightly angry look.

"Wait. You knew I was a secret agent?"

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