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R A Y N E    P A R K E R

After his successful mission, Rayne finally got the chance to go back home.

He saw his house living room lights on and wondered if his foster parents were still awake or not.

"Aunt Paige? Uncle James? You guys at home?"

He called out, as his unlocked the door and went inside.

Four heads turned around, including Aunt Paige and Uncle James's.

"Oh my gosh! Rayne! Where have you been all day? We have been worried sick about you!"

Bianca was the first to react to him entering to room, squishing him in a huge hug. Join gv their hug after a while was Hunter.

"Yeah, Parker. Don't you ever leave us like that again! Where the hell have you been all day?"

Oh you have no idea. Rayne bit his lip. He knew he couldn't tell his best friends and foster parents about what had just happened so he had to come up with a completely believable lie.

"I went to the park. You know, the one my parents always brought me to before they urm...yeah so I went there to tell them about my win again. I wanted them to be proud of me once more."

Bianca gave Rayne a reassuring smile, hugging him again.

Aunt Paige and Uncle James also took turns hugging Rayne.

"Hey Kiddo, if you ever want to go to the park again, tell us first. So we won't be too worried about you."

Uncle James smiled at him. Rayne smiled back at his foster dad.

He wanted very much to finally be able to call Aunt Paige and Uncle James his mother and father, but no matter how he tried, he just could not bring himself to do it. If he called someone else his mum and dad, he wouldn't be able to do anything without the thought of them everyday and how much he misses them.


He replied to him. Aunt Paige told Bianca and Hunter to go back home and rest, since there was school tomorrow.

"You too, Rayne, go sleep. You had a long day, you should get some rest."

Rayne nodded, saying goodnight to his foster parents, before heading to the stairs to his room.

♕ ♕ ♕ ♕

"So you mean you spent the whole entire day at the park, just watching children play?"

Hunter asked Rayne. He laughed.

"Well sort of. I also bought ice cream to eat."

"Well eating is important."

Rayne and Hunter laughed. Suddenly Rayne caught a glimpse of a strand of black hair in the corner by a locker.

"Hey, Hunt? I'll catch up with you later. I just need to take care of something."

Hunter gave Rayne an odd look but he just nodded and walked away, allowing Rayne to walk over to Kendall.

"Hey West, how's your first day of school so far?"

Kendall jumped back in shock.



She put her hand on her chest, breathing heavily.

"How many times do I have to tell you, don't scare me like that!"

Rayne raised his eyebrows at her, laughing.

"Urm I just met you yesterday, and you have never told me that before until now."

"Whatever, Rayne. Just don't scare me like that again."

Rayne stepped back a bit.

"Jeez, West. Did you wake up on the wrong side of bed today or something?"

Kendall just stared at him, before laughing.

"Calm down, Rayne. I'm not in a bad mood, just prepared for anything bad to happen."

"Why would you be prepared for something bad? Nothing bad ever happens here."

"Yeah, to you. Because you're Mr Popular, captain of the football team, star quarterback with 3 MVPs in a row."

Rayne laughed.

"Either you're really smart, or you really have such a huge interest in me that you felt the need to research about me."

Kendall rolled her eyes.

"Don't flatter yourself, Parker. Now I'm still awaiting that promised tour, football boy."

"What, a new nickname now?"

Kendall winked, laughing.

"Duh, now where are we starting this tour you promised me?"

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