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Rayne looked around, in hope of not seeing any guards or other agents. When the coast was clear, he nodded slightly to Bianca, as they both took their positions.

Rayne entered the ISAA headquarters with her following closely behind, trying to not draw any attention to themselves.

Thanks to Hunter, they had an armored spy suit, with many compartments to store gadgets, which Rayne was planning on taking from the ISAA. To him, since they had taken Kendall away from him, he was going to take away a few of their gadgets.

When they reached the the ISAA's main level, they went their separate ways, Bianca getting the gadgets, and Rayne the chip.

Piece of cake. Just get the chip, and run the hell away. Easy enough. He thought to himself, trying to stay optimistic.

But really, he was just freaking out, as he ran to the one place he knew they would be keeping the chips. Mr Thompson's office room.

Being back in that room, just gave Rayne the chills, and also make him feel anger once again.

This was the room where he first trusted the ISAA and thought everything they did was for good. It was all a lie. A complete and utter lie, that caused the safety of Kendall.

Rayne shook off the feelings of anger in his head, continuing his job. All of a sudden, he froze.

He heard footsteps, right outside the office.

Well screw this. Was all he could think about, before dashing to a cupboard nearby to hide.

In the cupboard, there was a small peek hole, enough for him to see who was interrupting his 'scavenging through Mr Thompson's stuff' time.

Entering the room, was none other than that lying snake himself, together with two of his what Rayne liked to call 'minions'. Of course, not like the actual adorable yellow creatures in the Despicable Me movies. Those small minions were actually likeable and cute.

"Thompson, are you sure this plan is going to work? What if that Parker boy figures it out. I mean, he's as smart as his father was."

One of the minions asked Thompson, who just put his finger to his lip. Rayne knew they were talking about him, after all, his last name was Parker.

"Shut it, Agent Rory. This plan will work. I am certain of it. Rayne Parker might have been as smart as Tobias Parker, but he will never figure out our plan. Not when he's so smitten with Ms West that he would do anything to get her back. As long as we have her in our custody, Rayne Parker will do whatever we say, if it means keeping her alive."

Rayne had to fight the urge of coming out of the cupboard to scream at them. What plan were they talking about? He thought to himself, even though part of him silently agreed with Mr Thompson's statement about how he would do anything to keep Kendall alive.

"But Mr Thompson, what if Parker finds out the truth behind Tobias's and Adeline's deaths. He would do anything to stop us, you know that. And if that happens, we won't be able to stop him, especially since he has the quick reflexes and fast learning skills of Adeline and the skilled fighting abilities of his father. Rayne possesses these abilities, and you know when Tobias and Adeline were partners they were unstoppable. So one person having these abilities together, mixed with feelings of anger and vengeance-"

"Makes that person unbeatable. Yes, Mr Raymond I am aware of that. But he will never find out what actually happened to his parents. I mean, he already thinks that the ISAA enemies killed them, so what more does he need to believe? Now let us go, gentleman. We have work to do."

And with that, Mr Thompson and his minions left the office, allowing Rayne to open the cupboard door.

Pissed, was an understatement as to what Rayne felt that very moment. Not only did Thompson lie to Rayne about all of this, but he lied to Rayne about how his parents died. At this point, all he wanted to do was tear apart that lying dickhead.

But he could not, he had to complete his task, and meet Bianca outside before sun down, which was a few minutes away. Damn time passes fast when you're eavesdropping on a conversation. He thought, before carrying on searching through all the documents on Mr Thompson's table to find that chip.

He did not really have a clue as to what it looked like, but he had a feeling he would know when he saw it. As he rummaged through the mess, he found a set of documents sealed together, with a huge confidential mark stamped on the front. In small print, he saw the words Tobias and Adeline Parker at the bottom of the document, with the date 4 June 2006 written below it in bold.

Rayne raised both his eyebrows. Did the date 4 June 2006 have something to do with his parents' deaths? The last time he checked, his parents died on 5 June 2006. One day after this date.

He wanted to open the document, very badly. But he could not. The sun was already setting, and he needed to get to Bianca and get back to Hunter. Rayne sighed, taking a mental note of the date in his mind, before proceeding to search for the chip.

That's when a small black thing dropped from the table, causing Rayne to turn his attention to it. It was a small microchip, with the words GPS written in small bold letters. He chuckled to himself, thinking how cliche this was,trying to find the thing you needed to find, and it ends up dropping on the floor after a huge secret was half revealed.

Grabbing the chip, he dashed out of the office, and did not stop until he was out of the ISAA. He looked at the time on his watch. Right on time, he thought to himself.

"What took you so long, Parker?"

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