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•|• Uh Oh, Spaghettios •|•

They don't like how we love. And they don't like what we do. But you're the one I dream of. And as long as you got me, I got you.
If I Had A Heart | Todrick Hall

If I Had A Heart | Todrick Hall

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ITS BEEN exactly 32 hours since Nala got Killer Croc out of prison. It took exception 24 hours for the underland surgeon she paid to successfully take the nanite out of his neck without any real hassle or any damage. Though the reptilian man's many growls and grunts of pain during it made her want to shoot the doctor in the face. After that was all over and done she showed him to his very own personal living space in her mansion.

It was specially designed for him, putting in her time and effort into the blue prints so to make him feel at home. At first Nala was worried that Croc wouldn't like the giant space she made for him. But then he picked her up, twirling her around laughing. She couldn't stop smiling. He thanked her before immediately diving into the large pool of water.

Completely over the moon with joy, she climbed up the fire escape to Lincoln's apartment. The window was wide open. Which meant that the owner was home and has been awaiting Nala's arrival. Once she went under and stepped inside onto the living room floor she was greeted by Cheshire Jr. and No-name--since the kitten still hadn't been named--who steeped on her boots with their paws and rubbing their furry bodies on her legs.

She cooed down at the two telling how much she missed them before stepping away over them and walking into the kitchen. Rummaging through the fridge and finding a cartoon of milk.

"It was you, wasn't it?"

Nala took her head out closing the door, diary product in hand and pops out the tab. Lincoln stood in the doorway of the kitchen. His arms crossed and his face neutral. She pursed her lips and tilts her head to the side.

"Depends on what exactly you're referring to that you think was me."

"The prison break at Belle Reve. The same prison where most of my team members where held in. Two of them escaped. One was in a gateaway boat and the other seemingly vanished in thin air. They all found that strange. But the only person that I know who has the ability to do that is you." Lincoln says.

The tone in his voice was unreadable. Nala couldn't tell how he was feeling at the moment and hated that fact. She stayed silent. And that silence was enough to answer his question. There was no point in trying to deny the facts. She reached up and opens one of the cabinets taking out glass and pouring herself some milk.

"Joker. It's him, isn't it? He's your 'ex' best friend. You helped him breakout Harely. I mean, why wouldn't you? If it meant getting Croc out as well. And you did." Lincoln said.

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