Chapter 4

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Melody's POV

After I found my locker and finally found my first class I walked in and took a seat in the back. Then I looked up and there was Xavier and the other boy I bumped into earlier. I couldn't believe it! Why is Xavier here I thought he should have graduated by now? I was pulled out of my thoughts when the teacher started talking.

"I see we have a new student today, her name is Melody Winters. Miss Winters would you please stand up and say something about yourself?" the teacher named Mr. Moore said

I shook my head no.

"Oh come on miss Winters I won't bite, come up to the front of the class."

So I sighed and picked up my new notebook and quickly wrote on it. Then I handed it to the teacher.

"Oh my apologies Miss Winters, I was not informed. Class it looks like Miss Winters cannot speak, she is a mute, so please do not make fun, or make her feel any different than any other new student, and please don't try to pressure her to speak because she cannot." Mr. Moore said

Great, just great, he not only pointed out that I was different but he basically asked for me to get picked on because he gave me special attention. I thought.

I was suddenly interrupted from my thoughts from a loud person shouting: "What?"

I looked over and it was Xavier.

"Mr. Greene, you will not give rude outbursts in my class, and you will not make fun of Miss Winters here. If I hear of any bullying going on, you will answer to me. Are we clear?" Mr. Moore said.

"Yes" said Xavier.

So that is why father could never find Xavier, he changed his last name.

I quickly walked back to my seat and sat down. Then Mr. Moore started to teach.

As soon as the bell rang I rushed out to my locker and went to my next class. The cycle continued until it was time for lunch. To make matters worse, Xavier and his friend were in every one of my classes so far. When I turned around after putting my stuff in my lockers I came face to face (well face to chest) with Xavier; dang he got tall. I thought to myself.

"Now Melody I want you to tell me exactly what has been going on, I know you can speak, you loved to talk when you were little so why won't you speak now. What happened?" He asked.

I quickly wrote on my notepad: Like you care.

He quickly flinched.

"I do care, please tell me." He responded.

I shook my head.

"Darn it Melody! Just tell me! What happened to you????" He almost yelled, but luckily he kept his voice quiet enough that only a few people heard him.

I just looked up at him, and then I quickly slapped him across the face. I started to walk away, only to be pulled back. "Okay look I'm sorry, I guess I deserved that but you don't know what it is like for you to not be able to talk. How long have you not been talking?"

I hesitated to tell him.

"Come on I at least deserve to know that." He begged.

I debated telling him, but I guess he was right; he did deserve to at least know that. I held up seven fingers.

"Seven weeks?" he guessed, I shook my head. "Months?" he tried again, again I shook my head. "YEARS?" he yelled. I nodded. Everyone in the hall was staring at us now. I quickly just slapped him and walked away.

The Power of a Muted MateWhere stories live. Discover now