Chapter 9

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Randal's POV

"WHAT????" I yelled. "How is that possible? Why didn't you tell me?"

"Calm down, and hear me out. Please?" Xavier said.

I struggled to contain my wolf, after many deep breaths I finally said.

"Ok, explain, but make it quick." I said.

"So when I was 7 my mom was diagnosed with cancer." Xavier began, "she didn't make it and ended up dying when I was 8. Melody was 7 at the time. I was really having a hard time coping. To make matters worse all the kids at school were picking on me because of it. So I came home from school one day, and the phone rang. It was my grandfather, your beta. At first I thought that he was just calling to offer his condolences because my mother was his daughter. However he then proceeded to tell me about werewolves. That was when I first found out about our kind. Then he told me he was coming to get me. I agreed because I couldn't stay there another minute. My grandfather came and took me with him, while Melody was at school. I was so excited to be leaving, and I thought that we would be picking up Melody on the way. Well I fell asleep soon after we left, and when I woke up we were in Kansas instead of California. I looked over and didn't see Melody. So I asked my grandfather where she was. However he didn't know who I was talking about and I guess my parents never told him about her. So by the time I told him of her existence, it was too late to turn around. That is the biggest regret I have in my life, and I can't even begin to make up for it. I always knew my dad was strict, but I never thought he would turn to alcohol and abuse. I can't believe I have been so blind and never even thought to call. If only I had been there for her, she might have still been able to talk; I would have been able to help her through it. I have failed as her big brother."

After Xavier finished speaking, I thought for a minute about all he had said, and it made sense as to why he was so shocked in the hall, and why he always seemed a little sad around the house, especially when the little ones were playing around, especially the girls. I was suddenly drawn out of my thoughts by Xavier saying:

"I understand if you don't want me as your beta anymore when you take over, I don't deserve that position."

"No! Of course you do, it shows that you have a good head and heart, and it shows that you are truly sorry for not being there for her. It must have been agony to not be able to call her because you were so busy with pack work. So I don't blame you at all, and yes I wish I had known sooner, but you stayed with us and took on some responsibility instead of abandoning us and looking for her when you were old enough. It shows your loyalty as well. You stuck by the pack, and when she asked you to keep her secret you stuck by her as well. Your true loyalties lay with your pack and your family, and there is no one more qualified for the beta position." I said.

Just when Xavier was about to respond, we heard the door to Melody's room open, and the doctor came out.

"Mr. Randal, sir, you need to come in and take a look at this."

I immediately got up, and ran into the room. There lying on the bed was Melody she had all these machines hooked up to her, but what I was really surprised about was to see her awake. She was crying silently, and when I came in, she started crying harder. I rushed over to her and held her hand.

"Hey angel, its ok. I promise I am here." I said.

She just cried harder, the doctor who had followed me in, then started to hand me pieces of paper.

"when I came back in to check on her, she was awake, she looked up at me and then started to write this on a piece of paper." The doctor said.

I opened the folded pieces of paper, and looked at what it said.

Where am I?

Why am I not dead?

Why would anyone help me?

Who is Xavier talking to?

Why is he telling that guy about my life story?

Why does he keep saying he is sorry?

What's a beta?

Xavier, why did you abandon me?

Did you not care about me; did you not care what happened to your sister?

Xavier was looking over my shoulder, and he shook his head and said:

"Mel, we have a lot of explaining to do, but even if you don't believe me, at least believe this. I do care, and I am so sorry that I wasn't there for you. I love you."

"Mel?" I asked turning to Xavier,

"Yeah that was my nickname for her when we were little." He said sheepishly.

"I like it" I said turning back to Melody, "the perfect nickname for the perfect mate."

She just looked at me curiously.

I thought over what I had said, and I mentally face palmed, I just called her my mate, and she doesn't know what that is, and worse yet, I have known her for less than two days.

"Well I better start explaining shouldn't I?" I asked her,

She just nodded her head.

Well here goes nothing, I thought.

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