Chapter 8

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Randal's POV

As soon as I heard the crash outside of my mate's house, I ran to the window. Luckily I could see perfectly through the window, and I could hear too.

"Well, well, well, if it isn't the brat. Guess someone decided to finally come home." A man I didn't know said. He then started to kick her, my mate, Melody.

"You have come home two minutes late, what do you have to say for yourself? Huh? You better answer me brat." He yelled in her face.

She just looked at him and then looked down and showing him what looked like submission, almost like she was saying sorry, and that she wouldn't do it again.

He then grabbed her chin and made her look him in the eyes. After a second he slapped her so hard that she fell to the ground. My hands clenched and if Xavier wasn't there and he didn't remind me that we couldn't freak her out, then I would have smashed through the window and punched that man to a pulp. When she fell it looked like she fell on to glass because when I saw her hand it looked cut and like it was bleeding. He then proceeded to kick her in the stomach. Every kick that she got and every punch, felt like he was punching me as well. I just kept staring at them in shock because I couldn't imagine what Melody did to cause him to do that.

"I hope you learned your lesson brat" he said.

She just nodded her head.

"Good, then go start making dinner, and then do your homework." He yelled.

He turned towards the door, but then paused. "Oh and Melody, since you didn't get home on time, No dinner tonight." He said.

She just nodded and then limped to the kitchen and quickly made him some spaghetti and then put it on a plate with a beer. When she was done, she quickly went upstairs to who knows where. By the time I got to the back door and snuck in I was shaking with rage. No One and I mean no one touches my mate. I walked up the stairs, and I followed the scent of my mate. I opened the door and her scent was everywhere. I couldn't find her though and since her scent was everywhere I couldn't rely on my nose to find her. So I went to look in the closet. She wasn't in there. Then I walked up to the bathroom door, and I started to softly knock.

I heard a sniff, and then I heard one little word that made me stop knocking.


I stopped knocking. I was in shock. I can't believe it, she talked. She can talk. There was one thing that puzzled me and it was why out of everything she could have said, she said broken.

"She finally did it," Xavier said beside me. "She talked for the first time in seven years I guess"

Then I heard a quiet laugh, and I strained my ears to listen. Her voice was so beautiful. I know it's cheesy but I really believe it was like angel's singing. However what I heard her say was not.

"If only they knew how broken I really was. How bad my life is. If only they knew. They were right, he was right, I am broken. I can't do it anymore. I can't live with the pain especially now. I have no one left to live for. No brother, no mother, no one. No one loves me, so why should I love myself."

I was heartbroken, I was in shock. No one left to live for? I thought. How could she think that, I would always be there for her, I would love her. I would take care of her. I would give her a reason to live.

I was suddenly scared. Why would she be talking like this unless she was going to do something, I started knocking on the door, harder. "Angel, please I know you're in there please open the door. Let me help you". Xavier started to pound on the door as well.

I kept pounding harder and harder.

"Randal do you smell that? It smells a lot like blood." Xavier said.

I stopped and sniffed the air, and then I growled. Xavier was right, there was blood, and I smelled the air again, and I found out that my fears came true; it was my mate's blood.

I started pounding harder, and harder, and then finally the door burst open. I saw my beautiful mate, sitting on the floor with a razor in her hand and blood pouring down her arm. She was attempting to take her own life I realized, and I saw it was working because she was starting to lose consciousness.

"NO!" I shouted, and I picked her up. Right as I did she went limp in my arms.

I quickly shouted into the pack link for the pack doctor and I ran towards my home with all my speed. Xavier right behind me, I couldn't lose her. I just couldn't. I heard her heartbeat getting weaker, and I started whispering to her. "Please baby, angel, please stay with me, I need you." After what seemed like forever but ended up being only about a minute or two thanks to my werewolf speed, I arrived at my house and the pack doctor took her to the medical room. I had to wait outside, and so I sat on the couch in the living room and just hoped that she would be alright. Xavier sat beside me, and he was muttering to himself. He kept saying something about how he should have been there for her, and how he never should have left.

"Would you be quiet? And anyway what are you talking about, you couldn't have stopped this." I yelled.

He sighed and I raised an eyebrow.

"Okay she is gonna kill me for telling you this but you deserve to know. I should have stayed with her; I maybe could have protected her. This is all my fault I have known her since I was a little boy." He said.

"How little?" I asked

"Since I was 1 years old" he said

"How?" I asked.

And what he said next I never saw coming, I never expected it in my whole life.

"She's my little sister."

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