Chapter 12

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Melody's POV

I was almost too my house when someone came running by me. I stumbled a little but caught my balance. I kept my head down because I figured it was just a jogger out running. However I then ran into something, and stumbled back and fell down. That is when I finally looked up, only to find that I had run into none other than Randal himself.

"Mel, where are you going?" Randal asked.

I just shook my head.

"Please talk to me Mel." He begged.

By this time we were outside my house. I looked out of the corner of my eye, and I saw that my father was watching the whole thing from the window. I knew that I couldn't speak or else I would be in even more trouble, and I was already in enough trouble as it is. So again I just shook my head.

"Please?" he asked gently.

I just walked around him towards the front door.

"Are you crazy? You can't go home!" Randal said. "I can't protect you there and I can't let you get hurt."

I just shook my head and kept trying to walk towards the door; but Randal's hand on my arm prevented me.

"No way am I letting you go in there," Randal said.

I just looked at him, and silently begged him with my eyes.

"Why do you want to go back so badly? If you tell me with your own words then I will let you go if the reason is a good one. Deal?" Randal asked gently.

I sighed

"Fine, the reason I want to go back is that, I don't want anyone to get hurt. This is my problem and if anyone gets involve it will just get worse and I can't take the chance of him hurting anyone else, especially someone I lo.... I mean care about." I said.

Phew that was a close one, I almost just told him how I felt, and that I felt it so quickly, even though I just met him. That would have been totally embarrassing.

"You care about me?" Randal asked.

I blushed beet red.

"N-no, I-I mean I k-know we just met so that is i-impossible, forget I-I said anything." I quickly stuttered out.

"Hey, it's ok Mel," Randal said, "and by the way it's not impossible; because I care about you too. I mean I really care."

"Why?" I asked as a tear ran down my cheek.

"Because I love you! I have loved you since I first saw you. I understand if you can't say it back yet, or don't feel comfortable to say it; but please know that I will always be here for you and you shouldn't hesitate to come to me for anything. You can tell me anything, and I won't judge, and I will always help you. I will never abandon you." Randal said

By this time I was full on crying. A part of me doubted his words, but when I glanced into his eyes, I only saw love, and pure honesty. He really just wanted me to trust him; he didn't have any ill intentions. In that moment I knew that he would take care of me. That he would love me.

He pulled me into a hug.

"Now will you come back to the house with me?" he asked.

I opened my mouth to respond.

"Randal I...."

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