Chapter 13

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Melody's POV

I was just about to tell him that yes, I would go with him, and I love him too. I had even opened my mouth and said "Randal I..." Suddenly I heard the front door open.

Oh please not him, not now. Why? Why did my father have to come and ruin it all? I thought.

"Why Melody, where have you been? I have been worried sick honey, and who is this with you?" My father said sweetly.

"I'm Randal sir." Randal said

"Well thank you for bringing my daughter home safely; I don't know what I would do without her. Come on Melody, come inside." My father said.

"Sir, forgive my impertinence, but I do not believe that it would be best for Melody to go inside. I believe it would be best for her to move in with me and my family; where she can be kept safe." Randal said.

"Why would you think she wouldn't be safe here?" my father asked as he looked at me.

I slightly whimpered, Randal didn't see the way his eyes flashed, or the anger that was barely contained below his polite expression.

"Sir, I know about the abuse, and if you think that I will stand by willingly, you are gravely mistaken. Now she can either come and live at my house temporarily, only until you manage to go through counseling and get controlled enough not to abuse her. Or my parents can call the police and get you thrown in jail. Did you happen to know that it is so bad that your daughter tried to commit suicide, and if I hadn't managed to find her in time she would have died! So I suggest you sign the proper papers so that she can stay with my family, or you can go to jail, because my family and I, and especially the police if they find out, will not tolerate this abuse. So make your choice." Randal said.

My father just stood there shocked at what Randal had said. When he seemed to snap out of it he looked at me, and then his face somehow seemed to soften. What he said next shocked me.

"Very well, I have certainly been out of line, and I am sorry I hope that you will be able to forgive me. Let's all go inside so Melody can grab her stuff and then I can say goodbye properly. Then you may take her to your family." My father said.

My mouth completely dropped open in shock; I couldn't believe what I was hearing. Randal then agreed so we headed inside.

I walked upstairs to my bedroom and started to pack my stuff. I looked over to the door, and saw my father standing there watching me. I was so happy that he seemed to be changing, so I decided to do something I haven't done in seven years. I talked to him.

"Father thank you so much, I am so glad that you are going to change. I am so happy that you are going to get better." I said to him.

I started to walk over to him to hug him, but when I got close enough, he reached out and slapped me so hard that I fell to the ground.

"You little brat," my father said in a dangerously quiet voice, "you talked to him, you broke the rules. You knew not to talk, to not make friends, and much less have a boyfriend. However it is obvious that he cares for you, and now you decide to start talking. You told him everything that was going on. Let me guess you tried to tell him, and when he didn't believe you, you pulled the self-pity act. SO NOW HE DOES BELIEVE IT! YOU LITTLE BRAT! I GAVE EVERYTHING TO YOU, I FED YOU, I CLOTHED YOU, AND THIS IS HOW YOU REPAY ME. BY THREATENING ME WITH JAIL? I SHOULD HAVE DONE AWAY WITH YOU A LONG TIME AGO. IT SHOULD HAVE BEEN YOU! NOT YOUR MOTHER! My father yelled.

I just cowered in fear; there was nothing I could do. He must have gone mad, for he started to beat and kick me harder than ever before. I was about to lose consciousness when he finally stopped. He seemed to have forgotten about me for he turned around. However when he turned to the door, he looked back. What he said made my heart stop.

"You look so much like your mother." He said.

He then got this look in his eyes, like he was remembering her. Then he turned back even more towards me, and he reached for his belt. I couldn't get up, I was too beaten up to be able to fight him back, so I did anything I could do to stop him, because I knew what he was going to do in his madness. So I screamed. I screamed and screamed, until suddenly a sock was put in my mouth.

"Be quiet!" my father said, "Come one Maria, you know that you enjoy this you always have."

My eyes widened in shock. Maria was my mother's name; he truly thought I was her. Just as he is coming closer, suddenly Randal appears in my doorway. He takes one look at what is going on, and his eyes turn black with rage. He sees my dad who is now in his boxers, and me laying on the ground curled in a ball, lying in my own blood, trying to protect myself. He growled, and then he quickly went up to my father and punched him so hard, he fell to the ground unconscious. I whimpered, I don't know if it was from the pain or from fear though.

"I am so sorry Mel," Randal said, "I shouldn't have trusted him, I thought that he truly just wanted to say goodbye, I could never have imagined he would try to do something like this with me sitting right there in the living room. I am so sorry. Let's go home."

I just curled into his chest as he picked me up, and I sobbed. I sobbed and sobbed harder than I ever did before. Not only because the abuse was worse, and that my father had gone mad. No I also cried because I finally realized that Randal truly loved me, and that he would take care of me. He always would.

So he picked me up, and we left. We left my home and father, and started to head toward his home. On the way I got very tired, and so I fell asleep, but before I lost consciousness, I heard a door open, and I realized we had gotten to the house. I sighed in happiness, and then I felt a kiss against my forehead; the last thing I remember hearing was three words. I love you. Then the world turned black and I fell into a dreamless sleep.

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