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Hermione was sitting on the Gryffindor Quidditch stands that Saturday afternoon, all bundled up in the tangerine sweater Molly gave her along with a matching beanie to combat the cold weather that November has brought in. She was in the middle of reading the book that was open on her lap when she spotted Malfoy doing drills by himself. The weather wasn't too bad that you couldn't possibly play Quidditch, but it also wasn't the best, and so it was the perfect time for Malfoy to practice because aside from the two of them, the entire pitch is deserted. It didn't take a genius to figure out that Malfoy is now the epitome of anti-socialness these days. Of all the things Hermione expected to change, she didn't think that Malfoy's impossible cockiness would be one of them.

"Nice to see you outside for a change." She commented as he hovered near her. He raised an aristocratic eyebrow aristocratically.

"What's it to you?"

Before she could come up with a response that would make her sassy grandmum proud, Zabini and Nott arrived. She doesn't know much about them except that they're all in her same year but members of the Slytherin house. She doesn't remember if they used to bully her as much as Malfoy did. Then again, no one bullied her as much as Malfoy did.

"Pardon my friend's crabby personality this morning. Seems like his time of the month." Zabini. Hermione covered her mouth with her book in an attempt to hide her giggle, an action that didn't go amiss by the three. She sputtered out a cough when she realized they were staring at her.

"Shove off, Zabini. Both of you are late so get changed and meet back here in five." Malfoy commanded, then flew off without another word. She shook her head.

"Is that the Ancient Runes textbook?" Nott asked, nodding towards the book that Hermione was holding. She was suddenly aware that they were alone and that it was two against one if they tried to do anything. But to her surprise, she doesn't feel threatened by their presence at all.

With a little more conviction to her words, she replied. "Yeah, a little extra reading never hurt anyone. Aren't you in my class?" Nott opened his mouth to speak but Zabini yawned and cut in between the both of them.

"Bo-ring." He stopped momentarily to look at Hermione's cocked eyebrows, then cleared his throat. "I mean, no offense, Granger."

Hermione gave him an amused smile. "None taken."

"We must be going now anyway, Lord Malfoy awaits." Nott tipped an imaginary hat towards Hermione, and in turn, she curtseyed with another giggle bubbling up from her.

When the two left, she stayed where she was sat, mulling over the most civil conversation she's had with a bunch of Slytherins in the seven years she's been with them. She's guilty as charged for staying clear from them since school started which made her blush in embarrassment. The end of the war should symbolize the end of house rivalries and stereotypes and prejudices, and yet she wasn't doing anything about it.

Under any and every circumstance, they would still likely chop my head off because I'm impure.

But they haven't yet, so Hermione decided she'd give them a chance.


"Are you sure this is a good idea, Miss Granger?" Headmistress McGonagall asked through her bespectacled gaze.

Hermione consciously straightened her back a bit more under her scrutiny. "From a political point of view, I really do think this would greatly benefit the school in terms of showing the public the solidarity amongst students after such a difficult time. Rebuilding Hogwarts is one thing, but to actually show that the entire student body is striving towards the beginning of a new era is a whole other level."

Headmistress McGonagall leaned back into her chair, both her hands clasped together forming a little triangle in the middle. Hermione sighed.

"Prof-I mean, Headmistress," She corrected herself. "I've seen how isolated the Slytherins are this year. These are students - children - who were simply born into the wrong side. And they still came back expecting Hogwarts to see past their parents' mistakes. We're failing them, Headmistress."

"Very well, Miss Granger. You may have your ball."



Dedicated to @paigejunge for taking a chance on this little story of mine and voting on the first chapter x

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