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Since Lee Jordan never came back for their eighth year, the one doing the commentary was Justin Finch-Fletchley. Hermione thought that his being a member of the Hufflepuff house meant that he would be far greater at giving the match's play by play than Lee who was in Gryffindor and was naturally inclined to support his team more than any other.

"And here comes the snakes! Better put up those protective charms, ladies and gentleman, their bites are quite venomous."

She thought wrong.

Hermione was in the Gryffindor stands along with Neville, Dean and Seamus. Ginny was playing and Luna was nowhere to be found. She does that from time to time, disappearing for a while then popping up out of nowhere at the most random of times, and so her friends aren't always terribly worried whenever she's here one moment then gone the next. The turn-out for today's match wasn't surprising. Everyone has come out to watch, even the teaching staff – all not wanting to miss any of the action that was bound to happen whenever Harry and Malfoy got head to head with each other.

Who knew that it's not only Ginny who wants another fist fight between the two?

In the middle of the field, she could see that the players have gone off the ground and took their positions, just waiting for the balls to be released. Hermione never pays attention to Quidditch, in fact, she hates the sport with a passion, but since she was surrounded by jocks, she disgustingly knew a thing or two about it.

Madam Hooch finally threw the quaffle into the air, signalling the start of the game, and instantly, brooms were flying left and right.

Ginny, the chaser for their house team, scored the first goal, sending everyone in the stands hollering and cheering. Hermione couldn't help but feel the rush of excitement; after all, these are her friends playing.

"Gryffindor off to a fantastic head start with Weasley shooting twenty points in the first five minutes while Slytherin sits at none. Looks like an easy win for the mighty lions!" Justin's voice booms from his viewing platform where the scores are also kept.

Hermione has never been this peeved about the painfully biased commentary before, even laughing at most of Lee's jokes whenever he jabbed about the lack of Slytherin skill in their previous matches. But for some reason, she didn't feel like laughing now.

"Nott has the quaffle! Nott has the- wait, how did that happen?"

She knew how it happened. Demelza Robins, who was the other chaser for Gryffindor, was too busy doing tricks on her broom, cocky about how the game was playing out with them winning, that Nott simply snatched the quaffle right under her. The crowds promptly booed as the Sytherins scored ten points.

"Well, that was stupid." Dean. Hermione whipped around to him, shocked to find him thinking the same as she was. "There's a reason why the saying 'don't count your chickens before they hatch' is a thing." Hermione giggled along with him, and then giggled some more at Neville's confusion.

"Those slimy bastards are catching up to us, look!" Seamus clasped one of his hands around Dean's arm and shook him while the other pointed towards the scoreboard where both Gryffindor and Slytherin are tied at 60. "Sneaky little gits!" He called out by cupping his hands around his mouth.

Meanwhile, there still wasn't a sign of Harry or Malfoy anywhere, and to say that this made her nervous would be the understatement of the century.



Dedicated to @Haaronx for voting! Really makes continuing this story much more enjoyable x

To Me, From Me // DHr ✔️Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt