t w e n t y - f i v e

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Ron Weasley was dressed to the nines, no more of the positively ghastly robes he'd donned on before, and was waiting with his hands behind him by Justin Finch-Fletchley and Harry Potter.

Lavender squealed in delight as she barrelled down the stairs and almost tackled him, whose eyes never once left Hermione. Lavender didn't seem to notice this, which eased some of the terrible awkwardness that had begun to creep up on Hermione, who was desperately looking at anyone and anything else other than Ron. Her relationship with Lavender has improved greatly since they all came back for their eighth year. Apologies were made, hugs were exchanged, and pretty soon, the meals that they shared weren't so uncomfortable anymore. Sure, it stung to find out that Ron had asked Lavender to be his girlfriend before he was going into training and not her. Sure, it offended that he told Lavender he was leaving but didn't even say goodbye to Hermione. Sure, it hurt that Ron sent Lavender letters almost every other day but couldn't even spare her at least one. But she knew that all of that only meant he was serious about her, and Ron being happy with Lavender is undeniably far more important than whatever fantasy Hermione had for the both of them. So why was Ron acting love-struck over the wrong girl?

"Ginny told me she picked out your dress, 'Mione. You look fantastic." Harry said as he took Hermione's hand to spin her around. She giggled and joined Ginny's and Harry's hands again.

"Fantastic? That's all you have to say? She looks bloody ravishing!" Ginny corrected with a soft slap on Harry's arm. "Neville's gone to go get Hannah and Dean and Seamus are already at the Great Hall. Shall we?" She linked an arm through Hermione's and tugged on Harry.

"We shall." He replied.

"Uh," Ron's thick voice boomed out. "Do we wait for Justin and Parvati to finish sucking off faces or do we just leave them to it?"


As she stepped into the Great Hall, she was momentarily stunned dumbfounded at the absolute grandeur of their venue. Greens, pinks, yellows, blues and violets beam alternately, illuminating the entire scene like spotlights instead of the icy blue that enveloped the previous ball. Orbs of palm-sized snowflakes float about the hall, all unique and individual in terms of shape and design. Sheer curtains that shine like the stars in the night drape from the high ceiling adding to the surreal ambiance. In lieu of the many Christmas trees that they had decorated before, there were only three this time around – two small ones flank the entrance doors and one of colossal stature decorate the spot of the hall where the teachers usually sit at meals. Make no mistake, everything has been amplified to the grandest of settings, but the four-tiered chandelier with frosted rims and twinkling diamonds serve to be the main piece of the Yule Ball. It's held up by the same sheer material as the curtains, only this time twisted and hung like streamers, which span from all the corners and meet at the center to where the chandelier was. The Enchanted Ceiling was charmed to produce fake snow that melts into nothing as soon as it hits contact without the nippy chill. It truly felt like a dream.

"Wow, Pav. You've really outdone yourself this time." She beamed at her friend who took a second to untangle herself from her date to return the sentiment.

They all made a beeline towards their table where everyone else was already seated, everyone except for Luna it seemed.

"Where's Luna?" Hermione asked as she took more of the setting in.

"I saw her with Theo on our way here; she's probably at his table." Neville.

"Oh, that reminds me! I have to thank him for a job well done too." And then she took off, not hearing Harry Potter and Ron Weasley asking in complete bewilderment (and anger) about Hermione's enthusiasm in going to visit the snakes'.



Dedicated to @TarnieReville because the comment she left on the previous chapter really warmed my cold, dead heart. Keep the wonderful feedbacks coming, lovelies! Much love to you all xx

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