To Me, From Me - Fun Facts!

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1. TMFM was created on February 6, 2017, published on Wattpad on March 28,2017 after I've polished off chapters one to five and officially finished on May 15, 2017

2. The plot is based on... an actual event that happened to one of my friends! She received a letter apparently from herself that said "you will fall in love with *insert name of her crush here* two years after you read this" and it was the funniest thing ever because she legit fell for it and cried tears of happiness (worth noting that she didn't speak to any of us once she found out it was just a prank... oops) When I was thinking of possible plots for a light and fluffy Dramione, this was the first that came to mind

3. Wanna know why the chapters are so short? Because I'm lazyyyy. Literally there's nothing else to it HAHAHA. You think I'm joking but sadly I'm not. Each chapter goes on from 500- 900 words to make it a reasonable goal for me as I get writer's block often. I found that writing short helped me retain the motivation to keep on continuing the story without having me pull out hair. I got the idea from Colubrina and her style of writing Rebuilding. Also, the reason why the updates took so long was because even though I've drafted every chapter until the end, I don't write it all out until the day I post

4. TMFM is heavily influenced by multiple other stories; the first would be, as named above, Rebuilding by Colubrina (most notably the friendship of Hermione and Theo which I absolutely adored while reading her book and the Patronus plotline where Hermione was the one who helped Draco with it), the second Clean by Olivieblake (wherein I actually took an excerpt of it and added it on here *see Chapter 17* and of course, the 'this world or any other' line which is the title of her series), the third is a tie consisting of Simply Irresistible by Bookworm1993 and Faultless by NajwaaBarlam whose Hermiones inspired my Hermione and the fourth would be Claiming Hermione by ilke because I really liked the concept of a Heads' Common Room and it's basically where I got inspiration from to describe the entire Heads' experience. All of the stories here can be found on and I seriously recommend them all for they are absolutely fantastic reads (did I mention they're all finished? Yea boiiii get on em) and I will dedicate the last page of this book listing all of my favorite fanfictions and their links!

5. On that note^, I am perfectly aware that Hermione's character may come across as a bit OOC in terms of her dealing with the aftermath of the war. I purposely made her a bit more loose and uncaring, mostly because her character was so wound up in the books and she always had to put logic before making any moves (obvi at the risk of their lives but yanno) and that she actually was adventurous and craved the thrill and excitement of treading on dangerous waters

6. If there's one thing that I deeply wish I could've done differently in TMFM is to have explored the other characters and other relationships better. I suck at story-telling from different points of views (I was originally going to alternate between Hermione and Draco's but I could not, for the life of me, narrate from a guy's POV) so everything in here is just from what Hermione sees, feels and thinks. I would've loved to have gone into more depth about Deamus and Leo, especially since I do adore both ships (Blaise is forever single ofc) and I feel like this book didn't give them the justice they deserve, so please accept my sincerest apologies for this one

7. Speaking of underdeveloped characters, I feel like I butchered Draco's so bad HAHAHAHAHAHA. At the start of the book, I had him completely subdued and invisible, but then I kind of switched like, three chapters later and made him all flirty and back to his normal pratty self but then he turned melancholic and silent again. I apologise for this one as well. His moodswings are caused entirely by my indecisiveness. Like, I want him to be all fine and normal but that's just not the case so I struggled with what parts of him that I think would've changed and the parts of him that he would've retained

8. The hardest chapters to write would be hands down Chapters 12-13 aka the Gryffindor vs. Slytherin Quidditch match. It was very difficult for me while writing these two because I am by no means a sporty person and I know nothing about sports and so I just didn't know the terminology to use and how to make it seem natural. I tried my best to keep it short and straight to the point but I fear that the lack of description only made it worse because obviously the readers expect an action-packed chapter to be filled with, well, action lols

9. The flashback scenes of Draco and Hermione's Patronus lessons weren't originally supposed to be flashbacks. In my drafts, I planned on dedicating only one chapter of this and then moving on to the Yule Ball and then the ending, but when I posted that I could already smell the end for TMFM a lot of you guys have said that you're not ready to let this go yet (and so was I) so I made the decision to make it a liiiil bit longer. Hands down best decision I've ever made tbh hahahaha

10. My favorite chapters would definitely be Chapters 23, 31 and 40. I loved writing those scenes because it showed just how vulnerable Draco is and so. many. feeeeelssss!!!! Favorite lines? The first sentence of Chapter 31 and the last sentence of Chapter 40.

11. Because I've said my favorites, lemme tell you about my hates hahahahaha. I hated Chapter 38. Out of everything I've written, this is the chapter that, re-reading, I always skip. Idk there was just something that bothers me so much about the way I wrote the entire confession scene by Theo. Reading Chapter 37, it was like I got ya'll hyped for some dramatic revelation but then came the wretched Chapter 38, I felt like I came up a bit short so again, I sincerely apologize for everyone else who feels the same!

12. I chose butterscotch as the Malfoys' favorite pastry because someone once referred to it as 'poor man's candy'. Found it fitting that in true Malfoy fashion, they either didn't realize that butterscotch was more for peasants, or that they thought themselves better than them for making it fancier. Ten points to ironic opulence hollaaaaaa

13. The bonus chapter was supposed to be the wedding chapter!!!!!! But sadly not gonna do it bc I've come to the realization that I suck at writing wedding scenes. Hu knew??? So maybe next time!


I'm actually crying as I'm typing this hahahahaha but first, I'd like to give a big shout-out to everyone who'd been voting and commenting religiously on every chapter even when the chapters r soggy and disgusting. You guys make updating something that I look forward to every single day and something that I deeply miss every time I couldn't, and you always always made me feel mad giddy because you're all so vocal about your love for this book and the emotions the characters feel (especially about Blaise interrupting Dramione's Astronomy Tower conversation. Bless up Blaise stans) To those who gave this story a chance back when it had literally 0 reads, YA'LL THE REAL MVP. Would not be here at 23k if not for you taking a chance on an unknown on-going and I immensely thank you all for that!

I'd also like to thank @lis-moi, star-to-a-wanderer and redders95 for being such wonderful critics!


Whoever is still reading this, go ahead and comment;
1.) your favorite character.
2.) your favorite scene/ chapter.
3.) your favorite ship.
4.) your least favorite scene/ chapter.
5.) what you would've wanted to see more of.

Signing off,


To Me, From Me // DHr ✔️Where stories live. Discover now