s i x t e e n

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That afternoon, Hermione and Anthony wrangled up the prefects and volunteers for a meeting on the upcoming ball. The good news is everyone's still on board and loving the theme that they're going with. The bad news is they're not too thrilled about who is essentially ordering them around – Seamus most especially, who was silently fuming the entire length of the meeting then cornered her and Anthony the second it was over and the two were the only ones left in the room to further organize the more technical details.

"How could you let in that-that-" Hermione crossed her arms and leveled with Seamus' wide-eyed frantic glaring.

Where the hell is Dean when you need him?

"That what, Sea?"

"That Death Eater!"

Beside her, she heard Anthony let out a sigh. She's managed to talk to him and convince him that Nott offered to help beforehand but even then she remembered he gave the same hostility. Anthony was the one who pointed out to Hermione that not everyone is going to simply accept Nott into the team and of course she knew that, she just didn't want to believe it because obviously, this would mean that Nott isn't entirely bad. How can someone with such a keen eye for fashion and design be evil, after all?

"He doesn't have a mark, he's no Death Eater." She simply said, turning her back from him to continue on with her task of filtering through parchment after parchment to look for the one with the patrols for that week.

"He doesn't need one to be one." He spat. "I can't believe you and that Loony Lovegood have completely forgotten what they did to us!"

Suddenly, Hermione slammed her fists down on the table so hard and so abruptly that the entire thing shook on its legs, jostling the myriad of parchment and quills on top of it, as well as causing both the men in the room to flinch visibly. Seamus took a step back involuntarily. Turning back towards Seamus, she had the look on her face that meant she has had enough. It was a look that most of those who know her, know well enough to avoid.

"That Loony you're talking about, your supposed friend, was held captive for weeks! I was tortured!" She cried, as she stalked towards him akin to a predator stalking his prey. "I've been on the run all last year, being chased by them!" She jabbed a finger at his chest. "Do you know why I can still stand to breathe the same air as him? As them? Why I came up with this goddamn ball in the first place? Because he is not his goddamn father. I will not let these kids suffer because their parents fucked up. Get it through your head, Finnegan. The fucking war is over."


A firm knock came on the door of the Heads' dorm later that night, right in the middle of Hermione doing her Arithmancy project due the next week. She let whoever was intruding on her knock for a fair few more minutes before grudgingly got up to open the door, planning on closing it in their face soon after.

All her friends knew the password to get access to her room, but she changed it as soon as she stormed in after her fight with Seamus, not having the energy to put up with anyone else's comment about her decisions and leadership, especially those of her friends'.

Looking down on her sleeping attire which consisted of a worn-out t-shirt she stole from her dad's closet and a pair of cotton shorts, she deemed she was still presentable and opened the door.

She didn't expect Theodore Nott to be the one standing behind it with something else behind him. He held up the unopened bottle of Ogden's Finest and cocked his head to the side.

"What do you say, Granger? Are you going to let me thank you or not?"



Dedicated to @brittani568 for going the extra mile and following me x Also, please don't be scared to leave any comments or suggestions (even grammar corrections because I really don't proofread any of my chapters before posting oops) Votes are great because they let me know I have readers, but feedback is even greater! Much love guys xx

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