t w e n t y - s e v e n

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At their table, Luna and Theo were sitting comfortably beside each other, to their left an empty seat which Hermione guessed was Zabini's, and another empty seat, which Hermione guessed was Malfoy's since he's nowhere to be found. This didn't shock her in the least (she'd be even more surprised if he showed up tonight at all), what did though was the seats that were occupied, namely by Pansy Parkinson and Daphne Greengrass along with their dates.

"Granger." Parkinson acknowledged.

"Parkinson." She replied evenly.

She didn't have anything against either of the Greengrass sisters, especially not with the younger one, so she simply nodded to the other girl. With Parkinson, however, is a whole other story. In Hermione's mind, she was already flipping through the pages of her memories with the raven-haired witch and the more that she remembers her, the more she just wants to strangle her.

"Our dear Theo told us all about your pro-Slytherin movement and I figured that if you're alright risking a limb or two for the girl who cried 'give him Harry Potter' then I can at least show my face here, hopefully for the last time, and thank you for it."

Hermione was at a loss for words; her fantasy of tackling down Parkinson right then and there immediately came to an awkward halt.

Theo's cackling laughter forced Hermione to speak a little louder. "I – um, thanks."

"Only you can call that an apology, Pans. The Blast-Ended Skrewts did better than that."

Everyone on the table, even including the two ladies' dates (presumably just by imagination alone of what Blast-Ended Skrewts were), all shuddered at the memory of a Care of Magical Creatures lesson they would never forget.

Clearing her throat, she turned to Theo. "I came over to tell you that this place is absolutely amazing and if you ever get bored of your lavish don lifestyle, you could always turn into an events decorator."

"Tell you what – I shall consider it, but only if you let me live past tonight." Theo held out a hand past Hermione, pointing towards the fast-approaching Ron Weasley.

"Well, I've got to go do damage-control. Save me a dance later, okay?" She tipped an imaginary hat off to Theo and walked briskly to where Ron was and because there are so many witnesses that have cameras and the tendency to blow things out of proportion, instead of smacking him upside the head like how she wanted to greet him, she opted to go for the hug-route.

"I'll explain everything to you, but not here. I dare you to cause a scene, Ronald." She whispered threateningly – if calling him by his full name didn't already send warning bells through his head. When they broke apart, Ron still looked mad as hell but at least he was nodding.

She sent him on his way back to their table not a moment later and bumped into Headmistress McGonagall as she was walking to get a drink.

"I must say, Miss Granger, you did a splendid job for organizing this all." She commended. Hermione thought back to her first few years at Hogwarts and remembered a time when she glowed and preened under her teachers' gazes, wanting nothing more than praise from them.

She thought that if she saw that little girl in front of her now, she wouldn't be able to recognize her.



I think it is worth mentioning that I've already drafted the last chapter for this book but worry not, because knowing me I will most likely drag this story on for as long as I can because I just wouldn't be able to let go of it so easily *legit teared up when I saw how many chapters there are left to go* Again, thank you all for still reading!

Also! Dedicated to @SPD2016 who thinks my book is fabulous (ur fab too!) xx

To Me, From Me // DHr ✔️Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora