2.) New home..

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Years went by, and I hadn't moved much. Every now and then I'd try to stand and walk on my own, no doctors. I've failed all attempts at it. But my record is around 10 steps. That's progress, right?

Hearing rumbling sounds from The prison, my eyes darted around the room until they landed on the door. I had to see.. I used the wall to help me stand. I already felt weak in the knees, but this could be serious. Ignoring this pain is crucial, if only a little while.

I could feel the air, how tense the atmosphere was. Something was wrong, very wrong. Come on... I have to, get to the door. I was in a wall sitting position, currently rising slow. God this hurts.. I could hear the cell in front of mine. There was talking of some sort.

"They're coming..." I could tell it was the male who arrived 10 years ago. He was quiet at times, other times he would just laugh, but I've never heard him cry. I've done that multiple times, countless times actually. The only time I heard him spoke was telling me to be quiet when I was sobbing.

The prison started to shake, and any progress I made went with it. I Hissed in pain as a burning sensation seethed through my legs. A busting sound made its way to my ears.

"Finally.." the man said to himself. I could hear a holy knight running through the corridor. He's totally dead.. many words were spoken, and clashes were heard. The one thing I did hear clearly, was the man.

"Think you cut off too much?" The holy knight was mad, and probably went at him, hearing the bang on the wall. Next thing I knew the knight was thrown on the door to my room. The lock broke, but the door didn't open. This is my chance!

"You will not get away with this!" A woman yelled. Oh, it's a girl? She sounds like she talks through her nose.

"I knew this wouldn't fit." The clanking of armour sounded. I involuntarily crawled to the door. Carefully opening it, I saw the scene before me. The male was fairly attractive with this white hair that had a blue shine to it. It was short, and spiked. He had a pair of worn down pants on, with no shoes or shirt. His muscles showed themselves off.

The woman had the same type of hair, except it was in a ponytail, and with a purple shade to it. She was crawled up on the wall covering herself as she had no clothing on except her undergarments. Her armour was in a pile far off to the side. I successfully got out of the door when the woman noticed me.

"Hey! You stay right there! Guards!" She called. I swallowed a lump in my throat as the man turned to look.

"Well looks like another person, say who are you?" He asked. I took a minute to really think about it.

"I'm Mataki." I said shyly. I haven't talked to anyone but the guards for years, I guess I may have forgotten a bit about the English language.

"Ban, can you stand?" He asked. I shook my head. I did manage to sit up in the short minute we were talking. He caught glimpse of my bruised knees. "Looks like you're injured, here." He held out his hand for me. I grabbed for not trying to be rude. He pulled me up with ease, while my legs started to cramp up. I mumbled a small 'ow' under my breath. He propped my arm around his upper body since I was too short for it to be on his shoulder. I limped with pain as he helped me walk. "See, not so hard eh?" He smiled, probably from the thought he was helping someone.

" I.. Guess? " My voice came out scratchy. "Sorry, I haven't talked in a while." I apologized. He waved it off.

"Its fine." It was silent until the prison started shaking a little more violently. " I guess you'll get to meet the captain. "


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