A Connection

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Hey guys! Just wanted to say this one won't be as long, but I do want to say thanks for reading. I'm really new at this, and being supported is amazing :))))

I stayed in Ban's room ,not wanting to come out. I knew they'd be mad at me.
They didn't want to deal with me.
They didn't want me here.
I was just extra weight to them.
I didn't mean anything. I thought to myself. That night I had asked ban for one more favor. To get me a cast. He took me to the other hospital in the area and they had to check my knee. After that I decided to get a (F\c) cast. When they put it on, it hurt a little. I soon was able to walk again.  Ban didn't talk that much, I then took a look at his face and it triggered some memories from someone long ago. Afterwards he left and went downstairs again.

~flashback to 15 years ago ~

I was joyfully swinging when a group of boys a little older came in My yard. I asked them,
"Do you wanna play!" In my high pitch child voice.
"Suuure! But you have to turn round first." Dumb enough, I listened to their orders and turned around . one of them kicked me onto the ground, then when I turned around, he kicked me again. And this time knocked a front tooth onto the ground. They took my black and white sneakers and ran off. When I spotted the tooth,I put my tongue where it used to be. I tasted the fresh blood that filled my mouth. I started to cry, so I decided to hide what had happened to me. I didn't want anyone to know my true feelings anymore. So I didn't, and i later realized I would be living in my own world of lies...

~End of Flashback ~

He looked exactly like that boy. Even the eyes were the same. I then realized the young boy also liked wearing red. But who knows? They say everyone has a twin who isn't related to them. I finally got up to ask him about it. I walked on my own, leaning on the wall instead. My tears had dried up on my face when I saw them down there. None of them turned my way. I finished going down the steps, I almost slipped and grabbed onto the counter just in time. This got their attention and ban jumped up. He walked over to me and leaned over from the other side of the counter.
"What're you doing without your crutches?" He smiled then grabbed the side if the counter and jumped over. He grabbed me from under the arms and picked me up to set me on my feet again.
"Ban, I need to ask you something." I said. " when I was younger, a group of older boys came into my yard. One of them hurt me pretty bad, and knocked out my tooth. They also took my shoes then were gone. I realized that one off them wore red and had white hair. Please tell me that wasn't you. " I managed to spit out without seeing his face. He looked mad at me. I couldn't tell if he was puzzled. He was suddenly a little perky and back to normal.
"Why don't we just sit and have a drink? I grabbed his wrist stopping him from leaving.
" please ban. Please say it wasn't you! Its hard knowing right from wrong, and tall from short, but please... I need to know if you were that boy. I can't tell if I like you, or just flat out hate your guts, and I can't tell if I want to loose you..but I don't know if you're important to me. I never knew what love meant, but now I feel like I'm starting to understand." I got closer to him and leaned on his chest. "Ban I want you to be honest with me.." He froze and smiled. He put his arms around me and gave me a hug.
" I can't remember most from my past, but I can show you something." He said in a bold voice. He lead me to a secret room in the back of the tavern. Then he opened the door and walked through, swatting at the cobwebs and dust in his way. I just followed along. Then he reached up and I heard a clicking sound. The light flickered but eventually stayed on. He pulled out a chair and dusted it off, then motioned for me to sit on it. I sat down scared it would break. He looked at a shelf of drowers pulling each one out looking through them. He finally pulled something out of one of them. They were black and white.
"Do these answer your question? " he said. I looked closely at what he dug out, and they looked like my sneakers from when I was 6. I kept looking at them then realized the shoe tag on the inside of the tongue. It had my name written on it in big messy letters. I covered my mouth and sat back down.
"My sneakers?" I said in Shock. I didn't even see him move when he hugged me tightly.
"I'm sorry I did that to you. I didn't know I would see you again."
"Again? Do you mean you did something else to?"
"No, but I know I had a crush on you when we were little." He let go and sat in his seat to hold my hand. I would've never guessed what happened next....

Word count
1003 words
This will be the normal length of the chapters for now on. The next chapter is in progress at the moment and will take a while. I've been getting writers block....

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