3.) Meet and greet

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Ban PoV

I thought getting out  would be fairly easy, not that it isn't. Although helping someone who cowers  when seeing someone being threatened and hurt is quite the problem. The poor girl shook as I put the rod through the man's chest. He died sliding to the floor, and when I glanced back to Mataki, she was crying on the floor. There was a possibility of some trauma here...

"Mataki. We've got to go," I cringed at my own words. I sounded like a general, which probably didn't help. "Alright I'm not the best at helping people, so please stop crying so we can get out of here." Substances up before wiping her nose. Sniffling, she shuffled I'm too a sitting position and held up her hand. I pulled her up with ease. I'm not going to say she's light or anything, but she's light.

She hugged my abdomen as her legs shook. I sighed picking her up careful not to touch her knees, which was extremely awkward seeing as the knees were a normal spot to support, which I was not supposed to do due to her injury, so I guess the thigh Will work. She didn't say anything in response so I suppose it was alright. I mean it's not like I'm trying anything. And besides it was way easier.

As we approach the hallway I sensed captain in, the girl stiffened. Frozen in place like a statue. I suppose she sensei too. His overall aura was massive. And just like that, she fell. Eyes shut.


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