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This chapter is really long ok? I've warned you!

Kacy was there. She was somewhere in this house. Her physical body was here! I could feel it. My sister sense was working its magic. I ran up the steps faster than shivers ever could, and searched through every room.
"Kacy! Kacy are you there!? Kacy! Please come out! I know you're there! Kacy!"  When I was done there I searched downstairs. The same results. I grabbed the sides of my head in a frantic motion.
"It was just a feeling! Why did I think it was real?!" I banged my forehead I to the wall for a while until it bled. There was both blood and tears dripping of my face. I sat crying on the floor still covering the sides of my head. I them had many flashbacks of them, my family that was gone.

~Flashback 1~
(10yrs old)

"Hey mom I'm going out!" I yelled while walking out with kacy.
"Ok, but don't party too hard!" She yelled back.
"Got it!" We both said closing the door behind us.
"So, have you decided???" Kacy asked. I got worried because I couldn't remember what she was talking  about. I replied nervously. "Y- yeah! Totally!" She gave me a strange look then smiled.
"So is it Thomas or Nate?" She kept looking at me waiting for an answer. I then realized what she was talking about and quickly told her, "neither! I can't decide!"
"You forgot then? Because I know you can't say neither!" She smiled sheepishly. But I couldn't just spill my secrets! Even if I wanted to. So I did.
"I'm kinda leaning towards Nate. He seems really smart, so he'll be a great lab partner. Plus he's funny and can pull out a joke every once in a while."
" ohhhh! I know your real reason! You like him!!!" After saying that she poked me a million times. I tried to ignore her and walk to school normally. But she just shout it out to the world and I was just embarrassed. I covered my face with my jacket hoodie and she just laughed at me. But I had to admit that Nate was cute.
( end)

I sat at the kitchen where I met my first boyfriend.
~Flashback 2~
(15yrs old)

I looked over at Nate who laughed at me during the test. I whispered to him, " what's the measure of angle QRS???" He would just laugh at me and tell me to figure that put for myself. I'd always freak out during math tests until he tutored me. That night Nate knocked on the door. I opened it and welcomed him in. Kacy was watching us from the staircase above and wouldn't leave. Nate would ask me math related questions and had me write out how to solve it. I got the first few wrong,then he showed  me the right way to do it. I soon was really good at the subject by the end of the week. On Saturday he came over unexpectedly.
"Hey, uhh (Y/n). I wanted to come over to talk to you." He told me. I nodded my head and looked over at the staircase. She was there, as usual.
"Are your parents home?" He asked.
" Yeah, my moms making dinner and my dad is watching TV. We're just about to eat actually. You want to have dinner with us?"  I asked.
"Sure, what're you having?" He asked back.
"I think spaghetti or rotini. Just the usual." We walked in and sat on the couch next to my dad.
"Hey sweetie. Hey Nate. Didn't know you were coming over tonight." My dad said.
"Me neither" he said. "I just really like your house. I feel like over the past week I've lived here." I got up to see kacy coming downstairs to leave my dad to talk to Nate.
"Can you not be spying for once?" I told her with my hand on my hip with a smile.
"Oh, come on! There's totally something there!" I rolled my eyes and walked to the kitchen. My mom called everyone in and set out the plates. Then she saw Nate and set out another plate along with a chair. We all sat down and put our hands together. Dad said the prayers then soon after we opened our eyes and  took our hands apart. My mom questioned Nate all night! But first she thanked him.
"Nate, thank you for Tutoring her, she had so much problems with math before."
"No Problem, it wasn't hard. And thanks for letting me come here all this week. I feel like this has been my home." He said smiling. "I would also like to ask for permission to go out with your daughter." My dad gawked, but my mom seemed happy. I didn't know what to say, so I just stayed quiet. My dads jaw was just hanging open from shock.
"Sure, you seem like a trustworthy guy and to ask that politely, I say yes." My mother said. He looked at me and I saw his mouth start to open.
"(Y/n), will you out with me?" He asked.
"Yeah, s- sure!" I spoke. Little Maxi just giggled.

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