Chapter 3-Sweet as Cinnamon

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New Chapter every Friday! Hope you enjoy 😎

Did someone call me?
How the freak did he get back here so quickly?!
I sprint away from my family and run into Asher's arms so he's picking me up.
"I missed you so much you have no idea..." I keep hugging him.
"It's been like a day..."
"Excuse me?!"
"I'm kidding, I missed you more than you can imagine."
Asher tells me as he scrunches his eyes.
I smile automatically. Yeah, I melt everytime...😍
"When I said I wanted to see you when I get here...I didn't realize you thought I meant right when I get off the plane!" I laugh.
"Well, this is just how I roll...actually that's not entirely true, I actually am low key a little afraid of airports because it usually brings out the worst of know. But I love you so it's worth it, and my tics actually haven't been too crazy at an airport for once. Anyway, I wanted to meet you here because this is how my boys do things, they also met me here. When I came back to visit my dad and it was really special so-"
"You take so long to explain literally anything! Doesn't your voice get tired?!" I giggle as I kiss him on the cheek.
"That's all I get?" Asher pouts sliding me back to the ground.
"Yes, because my whole family is standing ten feet away."
I grab his hand and walk us over to my parents.
"Sorry about guys remember Asher right?"
"Of course! How are you doing sweetheart?! Mazel tov on Villanova that's wonderful news!" My bubbly mother greets him.
Ash smiles.
"Thank you very much...I'm doing well, just super busy with basketball."
"I'm glad you're back in your habitat.." I laugh as I look up and gaze into his gorgeous turquoise eyes. They tend to change colors a lot, but they're turquoise today. Yes, I do notice these things..
" Asher..umm're..are you dating my sister?" Josh asks him.
Asher blushes a little. Aw he is just too adorable!
"Ok, lets just let him be I haven't seen him in-"
"Twenty seven hours and forty minutes."
"Yeah, what Josh said and..."
"Ok, so why don't you two wait over by the food court while we get the rest of the luggage." Dad suggests.
"Can we go get some cinnabon I'm starved!"
"Are you serious?!" I snap.
"Yeah, I have like zero appetite in the morning, and I got up early for you so-"
"You're the king of long explanations! I meant that first of all Cinnabon is super unhealthy! And the sad truth is the price!"
"You heard me!"
"It's worth every bite, Girl!"
"First of all never say that again, second I can buy 6 of those at IKEA for the same price!"
"Well...yeah but..but we are here now so you are not convincing me otherwise!"
"Ok, you win."
"Aaaah!" Asher screams, followed by one of his foot kick tics.
"What was that?!" I laugh at him.
"I just cannot believe I am back in Philly..but specifically back in Philly with you."
I smile at Ash, but feel a little drop in my stomach. Not because of Asher. I love that I'll have more time with Ash. Not to mention he looks super cute right now..his hair is folded down and he has on a slightly too large Villanova Basketball sweatshirt.
But, Philly will be way different and I'm a little nervous. I don't have the best sense of direction first of all, and I'm going to have to get used to the idea that cities don't sleep..
"You good?"
"Yeah,'s just when you said you're so excited to be back in Philly...I'm a little nervous about it."
"You don't need to be.."
"But I am, Ash..." I look down.
"I know. But there's still no need to be because I'm going to be with you the whole time..I owe it to you."
I look up and smile.
"Of course. Every step of the way. We will hang out, I'll show you around. You need me, I'm here. I promise."
I reach out to hug Asher.
"Thank you. I love you so much."
"I love you so much, Bae. Here. I want you to have this."
I smile even bigger this time as Ash hands me a teal colored charm bracelet.
"It has a charm for every one of our milestones. The whole thing is teal since we started dating at my walk, but there are lots of dates on it. One of them being today. The first day of us always being together."
"Asher! You are so sweet, I am never taking this off." I say as I slip it on.
"Thank you so much."
"Thank you.." he mumbles.
"For what?"
"For agreeing to date me. You are crazy special." Ash continues to mumble. He's so cute and cheesy..
"Stop it! I love you to bits! You know that."
Asher just winks and we continue to walk to Cinnabon.
"So how has life been, Ash?" I ask as we join the line.
"Didn't we text like everyday?!" Asher giggles.
"So? I want to hear it in person!"
I'm Serious! Even though we did text all the time, that never will do justice for hearing about it in real life and watching Asher's face light up as he gushes about the Nova life haha.
Of course I love Ash for Ash, but a girl can enjoy the fact that her boyfriend is a basketball prodigy!
"We have the whole summer for that darling."
I smile.
"You're so cute.." I whisper to myself.
"I heard that."
I look up embarrassed.
"I guess it's true." I say charismatically.
"I hope it's true! Because you are-"
Ugh, seriously?!?!
"Do you want anything?" Ash asks me.
I shake my head.
"No thank you. You know my Cinnabopinion."
"Good one!!" Asher laughs.
"Sorry. I'll have two cinnamon rolls."
"Asher, I said I didn't want one." I laugh.
"Whoever said they weren't both for me?"
"Asher!" I slap his arm playfully.
"You can't be winning off of empty calories!"
"Honey, you have NO IDEA what locker room life is like!"
"I guess I'm not one of your boys.."
"Nah. You're better. You're the best." Ash tells me as he slips his hand into mine.
I smile as I look down to hide how much he makes me blush.
"Here you go!" The Cinnabon worker hands Asher his order.
"Thank you!"
We walk over to a table in the corner.
"I'm so glad I can be with you here and not at that club anymore." Asher admits as he slides into a chair.
I frown.
"Asher, that buddy club was like my baby..."
"I'm sorry, Aly..I didn't mean it like's just.."
"No, I get it..You just wanted us to feel like we were at the same level."
"I just didn't want to be viewed as...can we just end it?" Asher asks as he coughs a few times.
"Yes. It's the past now. Let's just forget about it."
Asher's right. The Buddy club may have been something I put a lot into, but I can understand why Asher wouldn't want to be part of it forever.
"I really do still appreciate everything you did for me back in Ohio. I hope you know that."Asher tells me sincerely between bites of Cinnabon.
"I know you do." I say quietly.
"You really changed me a lot, Aly Roth. Seriously, I know it's corny, but I used to hardly ever talk about Fred ever. Not just because I didn't really have to, but I really never wanted to. You made me much more willing to talk about it and for that I can never thank you enough."
"Asher, you're making me cry.." I say softly. "You're so sweet."
"Which is why I will be just as hospitable to you while you adjust to life here." Asher says while he winks at me.
We both burst out laughing.
"Nope, Fred again!" Asher laughs.
I shake my head. Only Asher would give a name to a medical condition..
"Come. We seriously should get going." I say as I stand up out of the chair.
"Just take it to go! Come on!" I tug on his sweatshirt.
"Ok, Aly..."


"That is very sweet of you to show us around, Asher!" My mom looks up at Ash with a tired look on her face. It's been a very long and hot day.
We had to wait a few hours for the moving company to get here, so Asher showed us all the best places to go in the area.
"Honey, they just called me. The moving truck is here." Dad says.
"Thank you." I whisper to Asher and I slip my arms around him.
"I'll see you soon."
"If you ever need a thing, just stop by my place. I love you."
"Love you..." I whisper as I peer down at the charm bracelet.
A tear streams my face, and I honestly don't know why I'm getting so emotional.
"Hey..." Ash whispers.
He grunts as he hugs me again.
"I know it's all so new and it seems like a lot right now, but it will be so much better here. Remember, Aly, I'll be by your side the whole time.."
"'re the sweetest..but I'm not sad. I'm just..."
I pause to catch my thoughts.
"Just really, really happy."
Asher smiles.
"That makes me really really happy."

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