Chapter 7-Model Status

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"I can't believe you're friends with Mia?!"
"So is this like a crime or something?" I laugh into the phone as I lift my legs up so my feet are pressed up against the wall.
"No. It's just weird..I never imagined the two of you to be friends..."
"I'm not jealous if that's what you're thinking."
"No, I wasn't.."
I think it's kind of cool that Mia has been friends with Asher for a while now. But I'm not sure how the two of them feel about it if they really were close to being a thing or something. Mia seems to like Evan, but is it possible she's using him to filter her feelings for Asher?...
Scratch that, Aly! Asher's yours!🙈

"Ok. So anyway...I was thinking we ought to go on a nice date. To celebrate our reunion? Maybe we can go to a nice restaurant?..."
"Ooh..." Asher moans.
I frown.
"What? You don't want to?" I ask with some annoyance.
"'s just I'm literally booked and completely swamped with practice and I'm also starting this strict diet for basketball."
"I'm sure you can find something to eat."
"Yeah I know, but I'm still swamped with practices and the fam is hounding on me to do all these things for them, it's like I can't breathe..."
"Well is there anything I can help with?.." I suggest.
"Actually, yeah..would you mind taking Zoey shopping? You would be better at it anyway."
"Sure. For clothes?"
"Kind of. Bat mitzvah dress."
"Ah yay! I remember shopping for my bat mitzvah dress. I insisted on red or blue dresses only, and in the end got this purple dress but it wasn't like a purple purple it was more like a purple, you know?"



"Nevermind...So when's her bat mitzvah?!" I perk up.

"For real! Oh my goodness! You don't want to help with that?!"
"Oh Asher..ok..but can I steal ten minutes of your time to help me get there? You know I get lost..." I laugh in embarrassment.
"40 minutes round-trip with you to spare four plus hours of dress shopping? That's a no-brainer. Worth it a billion. I'll be right there."
"Sounds good, Cutie."
"You're cuter.."Asher mumbles.
"No!" I laugh.
"You are cuter."
"Aly, I'm not going to argue with you."
"Because you're the cutest." I say softly.
"Both of you are wrong! Just be quiet!" Josh yells from his room.
I start laughing hysterically.
"What happened?"
"Josh just yelled at me that we're both wrong."
"Oh wow..." Ash laughs.
We don't say anything for a few seconds.
"Alright, well I'm walking over now. So I'll see you later?"
"Ok, laters Ashy."
"Bye, Al."

Well, I may as well get a little dressed up for this. I don't mean formal or anything, just wear something nice.
I slip on a pair of white jean shorts and a gray top that says "UPENN" on it. I  guess you can tell by now that I kind of want to go there...
Now time for the hair. Let's see dead keratin cells (it's what hair really is!) will today be a good day or a terrible day..
I throw my hair into a messy bun and slip on a purple and white striped headband.
Buzz! Buzz!

ASHER: I'm downstairs ;)

I smile.
I quickly reply that I'm on my way and run downstairs.
"Hey." I greet.
"Hey, Alygirl.." Asher says softly as we hug.
Ash's hair is spiked and he is wearing a navy t-shirt that reads: " 'Nova Mentality"
in white with the Nike swoosh underneath, with a pair of green and blue plaid cargo shorts and maroon Jordan's with black Nike basketball socks.
"You look cute."
"This again?..I'm kidding, thank you same to you."
We interlock hands, which makes our hands twitch together every few minutes.
"I still can't believe you live here. You know this is off-campus housing for Nova? That's what Mia always tells me." Asher exclaims.
"Yes, me too." I laugh.
"Now you can visit me!" I squeal.
"I would always visit you, Sweetheart."
I smile.
"And you can visit me, Ms. UPenn."
"Oh stop! I haven't gotten in yet!"
"Yet! You will."
" I'd be closer to you if I go to UPenn?"
"Yeah. I live really close to Drexel University which is practically bordering UPenn. That's like 20 minutes by bus from here."
"Ah, ok." I nod.
"I really want you to know how proud I am of you. With basketball and all? You inspire me so much."
"Aw, stop it you!"
"I'm serious!" I exclaim.
"I know...I love you so much.."
"I love you more than you'd ever know...It's funny how I was your mentor-buddy in Ohio, but here it's like you are my mentor. My own personal Philly boy."
Asher cracks up at that.
"At your service, Miss Aly!"
"Oh my goodness..." I giggle.
"Do you take anything seriously?!"
", not really..well, I guess basketball."
I shake my head.
"Of course. But I love you anyway..."
"There you are, Ash! We are going to leave now alright?" Sienna greets.
"Uh, I don't really want to go. But Aly wants to go instead. She'd be much more helpful for Zoey anyways."
"Well, I do agree that Aly will be a big help, but you're still coming."
"Are you kidding?! I have so much to do and Aly really wants to come!"
"Aly can come. But I need your opinion."
"What do you care about my opinion for?!" Asher yells as his neck jerks and he blinks a lot.
"My opinion is of no help anyway! What do you expect a lazy high school senior basketball jock to know about dresses?!"
Ash told me that his Tourette's gets worse when he is upset.
Looks like I'm in the middle of a Westman family brawl...
"Come on, this is important for your sister. And I want you to find something for you to wear while we are there."
Asher rolls his eyes.
"Ok fine..."
"Aly!" Zoey exclaims as she runs over to me.
"Hey, Zo!" I say as I hug her.
"I'm so excited to help you shop for a dress!"
"You're coming?!"
"And I still have to..." Asher huffs.
"Well, tough! Just because you're Mr. Wildcat doesn't mean you get an out."
Asher doesn't respond, just scrunches his eyes.
"Are we going?" Scott asks as he walks into the entrance way.
"Oh, hi Aly. Are you joining us on this craze?"
"Scott!" Sienna slaps him playfully.
"This isn't a craze, this is for our little princess!"
I laugh at that one.
"Yes, I'm going to help Zoey."
"Because Aly makes a better Westman than some older brothers..."
"I'm doing my job! I'm coming!" Asher yells.
"Yeah, forced to come..."
"You're really starting to tic me off." Ash smirks.
"Ok, enough!" Sienna yells.
I join the Westmans downstairs.
"So, Zoey, what kind of dress are we looking for?"
"Thanks for your interest, Aly! Well, now that you asked I'm thinking of a pink but not too pink, with maybe a touch of turquoise and sprinkle-like sequins with some tool, the length must be-"
"Does this even exist?!" Asher interrupts in an aggravated tone.
"I'm sorry, is somebody talking to me?"
"Zoey!...isn't anyone else going to discipline here?!"
"Continue, Zo." Sienna says.
"I'm legit getting shunned from my own family and I didn't even want to be here."
"I'm sorry your boyfriend is so moody." Zoey tells me as she rolls her eyes.
"Hey, was that a Tourette's dig?!" Asher  exclaims.
Again, everyone ignores Asher.
I just smile, and tap Ash's shoulder since I'm in the middle.
"You good?" I whisper.
"Whatever..." he mumbles.
We arrive at a huge storefront, and it is definitely middle school girl heaven!
We all enter the store and we are greeted by a tall girl with bleach blonde hair and a ton of make-up.
"Hi! Welcome to Pearly's! My name is Gigi! Anything I can help you with today?!"
"Sure. We are looking for a bat mitzvah dress." Sienna explains.
"Ok, I can help with that. Come right this way. Is it for you?" Gigi looks at Zoey.
"Kill me now.." Asher mumbles under his breath.
"Asher, come on." I look at him.

After going through racks and racks and racks of dresses, it is finally time for Zoey to try everything on!
"You all can wait here." Gigi tells us, pointing to the pink sparkly couches facing the dressing rooms.
Asher's done with everything, as you know, so I can't talk to him right now since he's practically sleeping on the couches, so I might as well get to know the Westman 'rents!
"So..what do you two do for a living?" I ask.
"Well, I work from home on my computer as an IT Analyst. I help get inside company's computers when they have technical issues."
"Wow that's awesome!"
"I'm actually an analyst too..sports analyst. I am on a morning radio talk show and occasionally some television networks to analyze games and players."
"Wow, I know where Asher gets his athletic skill from!" I giggle.
"So you also are a basketball guy?"
"Yeah, I cover basketball and baseball mostly. I played basketball in high school and a bit in college but I wasn't recruited like Ash or anything."
"That's really cool. I know Asher is really good.." I smile as I pat Ash's shoulder.
Asher looks up from his phone at me.
"At least try to seem interested?" I whisper.
Asher rolls his eyes.
"Ok, Ash?"
"I already responded to your question. That wasn't a tic. Current mood equals eye roll."
I narrow my eyes at him.
"Ok! Here is dress one of forty-five! I know we are only just beginning, but I know that this is the one!" Zoey exclaims as she steps out of the fitting room with a big smile on her face.
"Ughhh..." Asher huffs.
"You are perfect!" Some woman yells at us.
We all look up. She's this older woman who tries to make herself look way younger with thick red hair, purple glasses, and lots of perfume. Oh and makeup...did I mention lots and lots of makeup?
"Excuse me?" Sienna asks.
"You've got quite the model right here."
"Oh, thank you. She loves to dress-"
"No no no...." The woman shakes her head.
We all turn to Asher.
"Excuse me?"
"You've got the perfect look, young man."
Asher smiles awkwardly.
"I'm serious. We have a new line of dress wear for young men and can use some models. But not just anyone can model. They have to have that sparkle, that..that natural shine and hunger in the eyes...and you, young man, you look perfect for the role!"
She sounds like she's from a cheesy made-for-television movie.
"Would you be interested in joining our modeling team?"
Zoey is starting to look pissed.
"Yeah, maybe we should of left him home..." Zoey huffs.
"Oh..umm..I actually just got recruited for D1 basketball so I'm kind of swamped-"
"D1 Basketball? Where?"
"Villanova?! Wow, we can really use that in your description! You would be perfect! You've really got quite the look, the hair, the eyes, the physique..."
Asher blushes at the strange compliments coming from an older woman.
"What do you say?"
Asher looks really caught off guard, and just drags his left foot back and forth.
"Here's my card. My name is Lillian. Contact me if you're interested or have any questions, alright?"
"Uh, ok."
"And what is your name?"
"Asher! Uh, that's so handsome on you..."
Asher's dad kind of gives her a look. Who is this woman and why is she snatching my boyfriend?!

"Alright, how's about you go give strange compliments to someone your own age now." Scott says sternly.

"Dad!" Zoey whispers.

The woman just walks away.

"Asher, you're going to be a model now too." I kid.
"Shut up.." he giggles playfully.
"So are you going to do it?"
"I'm so busy though..I don't know. I'll think about it." Asher smiles.
"That hair, those eyes, that physique.." I tease.
"Stop it, you!" Asher laughs.
"I told you. You are cuter. See? I win."

New chapter every Friday! Also, the last chapter did not publish properly so I updated it yesterday! Have a wonderful day and stay awesome😊

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