Chapter 25- AshER

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Hi! So this book has been pretty MIA and I'm so sorry. I have no excuse other then I have like 5 stories I write at the same time based on which I'm in the mood to edit 😅
But I feel I owe it to Asher and Aly to finish this puppy up. Also I finally have an idea where I want the story to go. So here's a new chapter and I'll try to keep them all coming! 😃

We have been inside the ER hospital room for what feels like days, although I know from checking my watch every minute it's only been about an hour.

"Where did they bring me?" Asher asks softly, in his adorable raspy voice that he gets when he is tired.

I don't want to concern Ash by asking him if he really can't remember, but I am concerned that he really can't remember!

"Babe...we are at the children's hospital..."

Asher narrows his eyes.

"They brought me to CHOP?..."

" were passed out and we don't know what happened." I remind him.

", I know that. I mean...I can't believe they brought me to a children's hospital! I haven't been here since I was like six!"

I smile.

"You're seventeen, Ash.. You are still a kid. My dad told me they take kids in their twenties here." I laugh.

"Oh..well last time I went to the ER I didn't come here...HEH HEH..."

"It's probably because you were at my house so you technically were an unsupervised minor.."

Asher rolls his eyes.

"Only t minus three more months, my dear.." I giggle.

Asher suddenly starts to tic violently again and I feel crushed inside.

Of course I love Asher just the way he is. I just hate seeing him in so much pain 💔

"It's ok, BooBoo..." I whisper as I wrap my arms around Asher's shoulders and kiss the top of his head.


We both look up as Zoey runs into Asher's room.

Zo and I lock eyes, almost nonverbally agreeing to not tell Asher about anything that happened just yet.

"Hey, you..." Asher giggles.

Zoey starts crying as she hugs her brother.

"What happened?..."

"I don't know, that's why I'm here..."

"They ran some tests as soon as we got here. Now we are just waiting." I tell Zoey.
"Your mom here?"

"Yeah...she's talking to one of the nurses I think.."

"Zoey, don't cry...I'm fine..." Asher smiles.

Zoey smiles back, but I can see the hurt in her eyes for knowing what happened to him.

Since Asher can't remember what went on, he probably doesn't remember seeing that news report about him on the TV...

"Yo...want to pass me my phone, Al? Maybe we can kill some time on instagram or something.."

Zoey and I just look at each other.

"That's not a good idea." Zoey mumbles.

"Why not?"

Zoey looks like she doesn't know what to do.

"Because" I cut in.
"You left your phone at my house. I'll bring it to you as soon as I can, okay?"


Zoey smiles at me.

Knock knock!

"Alright! Mr. Westman?" A doctor greets as he walks in with Sienna.

"That's me.." Asher mumbles.

"A tic attack. Ever have one my friend?"

Asher just narrows his eyes, looking confused.

"Well, you did now.."

"What's a tic attack?"

"You ever notice you tic more when you're stressed?"

"For sure..." Ash mumbles.

"So this is an extreme case of that. You let out a storm of tics at once after suppressing them for a while or being under too much stress. Your body can't handle all of that tension, so it is possible to lose consciousness for a bit afterward. Which is what happened to you."

Asher sits up a bit.

"So it's because of my Tourette's?"

"Yep!" The doctor says smugly.

Asher looks beyond relieved.

"Thank goodness...I couldn't handle a new diagnosis. I can't handle any bad news right now..."

Oy... poor baby.

"I'll go put in the orders to discharge you. Hang tight for now.."
The doc leaves the room, slamming the door behind him.

"He's a ray of joy.." Asher laughs.

I smile at him warmly as I reach out and hold his hand.

"You scared me, Dude.." I whisper as I lay my head on his shoulder.

"And I'm sad we never finished watching 21 Jump Street." Asher chuckles.

"You can't ever stay serious can you?" I roll my eyes at him.

"Don't make fun of me!" Ash teases, sticking out his tongue.
"But speaking of..I haven't really ticked at all for a while. Did they cure me?"

I nearly spit out my water at the thought of this doctor doing anything miraculous.

"They gave you some pretty strong meds, that's why. Don't you worry, you'll be twitchy again in no time." Sienna tells us.

"Oh darn." Zoey moans.

"Rude." Ash yells. "Maybe we can put a pacifier on your sassiness and mediocre make up skills."

"Did the meds make you cranky too?"

"Enough! Enough!" Sienna demands.

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