Chapter 10-Monkeying Around

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SURPRISE!!! I know my upload day is Friday, but I decided I wanted to surprise my amazing readers with a surprise Tuesday chapter~ <3 


"There you are!" I yell as soon as I spot Evan.

I'm at the Philadelphia carnival now and I am supposed to meet Mia, Asher, and Evan here. I still barely know my way around so I've been wandering around by myself for what feels like hours. But I know it's not.

"I've been wandering in circles for fifteen minutes trying to find this stupid meeting spot." I wave my carnival map at him.
Evan smiles at me.
"It's ay okay." He nods, holding up the 'ok' sign with his thumb and pointer finger.
"You look great!"
I look down at the outfit Mia had picked out for me.
"Thank you."
"I guess we are the first ones here...but where's Asher?" I question.
I gaze up.
"Asher isn't coming."
I narrow my eyes.
"Well why not?!" I exclaim in frustration.
"He called me before that he's not feeling well."
I shake my head.
"That's not like Asher..."
"Yeah, well he said he's just having a real bad Tourette day and that his tics are really bothering him and acting up."
I look down.
"That's too bad..."
"Yeah, must suck. He knows we don't mind them, but he shouldn't be in pain at a carnival."
"Yeah, no..." I sigh.
What is going on?! That is definitely not Asher to bail on something. Especially using his medical condition as an excuse? That's something he's never done before.
Not to mention the selfish side of me is kind of that pissed he never bothered to tell me he wasn't coming, but he told Evan?...
I feel my eyes water up as I look down.
Really, Aly?!
"Hey, don't be sad..."
That just makes me feel worse..
I crouch to the ground and lay my back against the ticket booth wall.
"Really, Aly. Asher will be fine. You don't need to be upset." Evan says as he plops down next to me.
I shrug.
"He could've at least let me know. He's just been so distant lately and it sucks."
Evan puts his arm around me.
"I understand.."
I bring my knees in.
"No...You're right. I shouldn't be crying." I shake my head.
"Come, we are going to have loads of fun anyway, right?" Evan says, pulling me in for a soft hug.
"Yeah.." I mumble.
"Come, Aly. I want to win that giant monkey." Evan says in a baby voice.
That makes me laugh.
"I can see why you're Asher's best friend."
Evan smiles at me as we walk over to the station with the stuffy games, slipping his arm around me.
"Are you ready to play?" An older man with a husky voice asks Evan.
"I'm so ready!" Evan exclaims as he throws off his sweatshirt revealing a green muscle tee. Man, Evan is ripped!
"Let's do this!"
"Alright so each shelf has six pairs of teddy bears. The goal of the game is to grab one of the teddy bears with the claw and move it to a different shelf. By the end of the game, each pair should be mixed up from before. Second place wins a pair, first wins the giant monkey on top. Understand?"
We all nod.
"Are we doing individual or teams?" A girl latched around her boyfriend asks.
I don't mean to be that person, but seeing that couple makes me really sad. I miss Asher...
"Uh...what do you guys want?" The man asks.
"Teams!" Evan exclaims, turning to the couple who is also playing
"You're going down!" Evan tells them, but not audibly, as he narrows his eyes.
Evan begins to manipulate the crane, but I'm in such a daze that I'm not even paying attention at all.
"You don't want to play, Aly?" Evan asks me.
I shrug.
"You have fun.."
I slip out my phone, no new messages.
I start to type a message to Asher.

Aly: what happened to u?

I'm about to hit send-
"Aly! Watch this!" Evan calls to me.
"Wow! You almost got it!" I exclaim.
Evan bites the tip of his tongue as he carefully rearranges one last pair.
"Done!" He yells. "I won the monkey!"
Evan jumps around in a circle.
Wow, he's even weirder than Asher!
I smile.
"Congratulations, here's your prize!" The man says, handing the giant monkey to Evan.
"Here you go." Evan tells me, handing me the monkey.
I look at Evan.
"For real? You won it, Evan. You should have it." I tell him.
"Aly, I want  you to have it." Evan tells me as he puts his hand on my shoulder.
I feel myself blush.
"Ok. Thanks."
"Anything for you, Aly." Evan says as he hugs me.
"Hey, guys! I'm so sorry, I was just volunteering and..." Mia exclaims running over.
"What is that?"
Mia gives me a strange look.
"Umm, Aly, may I steal you please?"
"What's up?" I ask as I follow Mia to a corner.
"What were you and Evan doing?"
Is she implying something here?
"We were just playing some games. Why?"
"I don't know. It just looked like you were a little all over him."

What? I was all over him? He was the one coming on me! Oh my gosh, either way I sound pretty pathetic...

I shake my head.

"No. He was just comforting me because of Asher."
"What happened to Asher?"
I just shake my head.
"He's.." I don't even know what to say.
"Is he alright?" Mia asks, unzipping her sweatshirt.
"I don't know. He just told Evan he couldn't come and didn't bother to mention it to me." I sigh.
"Well don't let him get all over you though!"
"Mia, he wasn't all over me. He was just comforting me and that's all."
"Well he is my crush and your boyfriend's best friend. If you are annoyed with Asher just talk to him directly."
"Mia,  I think you are taking this a little too seriously." I tell her.
"Is everything alright?" Evan comes over and intervenes.
"I think Aly just has a phone call to make."
"Go call Asher now and get to the bottom of this." Mia whispers
Now, you might say I'm losing it for thinking this, and you're probably right, but do you think that maybe it's possible the reason Ash isn't here, and the reason Mia is acting this way, is because...maybe he is secretly seeing someone? Secretly seeing...Mia?...

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