Chapter 23- AJ, DON'T call home.

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"Asher? Why are you here?" Josh asks while standing in the doorway as Asher and I walk through the entrance of our home.
"Josh! That's not very polite..." I tell my brother sternly. I know he isn't trying to be rude, but I still want him to know what others may find rude...
"It's ok, Man. How have you been? I haven't seen you in a while?" Asher asks with a smile as he throws his basketball bag onto the floor next to our pile of shoes in the corner.
"Good. How are you?"
I smile. He's come so far.
"I am doing great." Asher smiles as he jerks his head a few times and blinks rapidly.
I sigh as I look down at my feet.
I know Ash is lying. He is definitely doing far from great right now...
"Come, Asher. Let's go relax." I tell Ash as I hold his hand and walk him toward my room.
"Can I come?" Josh asks.
Asher and I just peer at each other. I think more than ever we just want to be alone.
"Joshua, come help me cook dinner!" Mom calls from the kitchen.
Thanks Mom...
Josh scurries away and Asher and I walk into my room.

"Wow, this is so....Aly!" Asher laughs.
"Thanks.." I smile.
I added dainty string lights to the wall and hung up inspirational quotes to them with clothes pins. I have a Pinterest inspired heart formed from Polaroid photos. There are a lot of Asher and me, some family shots, some with friends, nature, and more with Asher..

We both sit back on my bed in silence and just glance at each other.
We both know Asher is not doing well right now with this scandal and there is really nothing we can do right now.

"Heeeh! HEH! HEEH!" Asher yells.

I look over at Ash.
"You good?"

"HEEH!...Sorry, forgot to tell you. It's a new tic." Asher sighs.

"Don't worry about it. Just making sure." I smile.

Asher shakes violently and blinks rapidly a lot before laying back down on my bed.

"Ughhh! I'm so NERVOUS!!!" He whines.

"I know, Babe." I say softly as I run my hand down his hair.
"We will get through this together. I promise." I tell him as I hoist myself behind Ash and pull him in for a hug from behind.

We continue cuddling as Asher continues crying softly. I keep feeling him move as we cuddle, but I really want to help him relax to calm some of his tics down.

"Asher? Want me to put on a movie or something?"

"I don't care...."

I sigh. He's usually so fun and cute all the time. Right now he seems so depressed. It's understandable, he's probably so worried they will take away again what he loves most.
Why can't they just let a kid play basketball?! Is that too much to ask!

"Well we are."

I grab my laptop from the night table next to my bed an open Netflix.

"Are you going to let me pick?" Ash asks.

"Nope!" I laugh. "Just wait.."

I hope they have it...yes! They do!
I click the movie and the audio starts up.

"Twenty One Jump Street?" Asher perks up.
"You didn't even see the screen yet!" I giggle.

"Girl, I've only seen it a bagillion times! It's my favorite movie."

"I know. But bagillion isn't a number." I laugh.
"Thanks for making me feel stupid."  Asher whines. "And for your information, it exists in Asherspeak."
I smile at him.
"Let's just watch...I need you to calm down." I tell him.
"I am calm!"
I shoot him a really look.
"Even though you were crying, ticcing more, and literally said to me 'I'm so nervous'?"
"Ok, Aly,...never bring up to a guy that he was crying."
"But you were."
Asher narrows his eyes at me.
"Ok...maybe I am a little tense...I'm going to go snatch some snacks from your kitchen." Asher says as he gets off my bed and walks toward the door.
"My mom doesn't want food in my room!" I call to Ash as he walks out of the room.
Ash smiles as me as he puts his finger to his mouth and whispers "shhhhh!"
"Asher!! I'm serious!"
BANG! The door shuts...


It's hard enough getting blamed for what my brother does around here, now my boyfriend too?!

I pause the movie and scroll through Instagram as I wait for him to return.

Bzzzzz!! Bzzzzzzz!!!

It's Ash'a phone ringing.

I glance over at it.

It says: 'Mama Westman💄'


Sienna is his mom's name.


He can't hear me...

Whatever, I'll just get it. I love his mom.

"Hi Sienna, it's Aly. Asher is over here with me. Sorry we didn't tell you."

"Oh, Aly! Thank goodness!"


"Sorry if you were looking for Asher. Would you like me to tell him to come home? He's getting food from my kitchen which is why I picked up."

" tell him not to come home. That's probably better he's at your house if that's ok."

"...Yeah, it's no problem...Is everything alright?"

"I can't really talk too loud...just...I'll explain later. I don't want to rattle Asher even more. But just...can you just stay with him and make sure he doesn't come back here?"


I glance over at my photos of Asher and I on my wall. Man, I love this kid to bits... I hope everything goes alright for him.

"Ok, Aly?"

"Yeah. Of course. But are you alright, Si?!"

"Yes....Thank you, Aly..."

"Of course. We've got Ash covered." I smile.

"Thank you, Aly. I'll see you soon."

"Ok, bye. Keep us posted."

"Will do. Bye bye."

I hang up Asher's phone.

"Asher!" I call.

Maybe I should just get up and find the kid...

"Asher..." I say as I exit my room and head toward the kitchen.

I step into the kitchen, but I can't find anyone in here. Just the television on in the corner.
I am about to leave but it crosses my mind to check by the fridge...

"Asher?!" I yell.


I am absolutely HORRIFIED.

Aly-Oops!حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن