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Soon after Axel had left, I realized I was not alone, ghost fog spread around me. A small humming nagged in the back of my brain, I craned my head to find the girl standing in the corner of the room.

I quickly learned what the the little rivers around the table were for as they slowly filled with ectoplasm , it inched its way closer to my warm, living body. That's when I started to panic. I started to tug harder at the cuffs that held me down, my discomfort only seemed to please the ghost. I thought all about the brilliantly twisted idea Axle had told me about. Kidnaping kids to test on? What sick people did that? I wondered if Miss Cathrine was part of this. I'd like to give that bag a kick with the thick soles of my combat boots. The constant sickly sweet melody only seemed to fuel my rage.

I was going to die, but first I was going to find out the most I could about this. So I was going to do the exact opposite of what Lockwood told me to do: I was going to talk to ghosts. I sat up-it was hard with being cuffed down and all but I managed to maintain eye contact with the ghost.

"what happened to you?"

"It was so cold." Her eyes were brimmed with tears that were black as night. This was the problem with most type two ghosts, unlike type three ghosts they usually only spoke one or two sentences, but I sometimes managed to get a small conversation from them. I spoke softly like you would to a young child.

"What happened to you?" She looked at me with dagger eyes but the echoplasm had momentarily stoped.

"He left me under there to rot!" She screamed tears pouring like ink from her face. The echoplasm was rising into the air and circling around my head like ribbons. My major talent when it came to ghost hunting was my auditory senses, but when it came to touch and feeling senses I wasn't that bad either, but it wasn't always pleasant when they kicked in, my vision suddenly went black and the ghost girl's memories filled my head,

I was in the front yard of the house I had just been taken captive from, though the house seemed younger with a new porch and freshly painted shudders, in front of me was a tall man with A long pointed nose and insane eyes, he was holding a young girl by the neck leading her forcefully into a secret tunnel. I instinctively ducked so he wouldn't see me, but the man didn't seem to notice me laying right in front of him. He pushed the girl under and ducked in after her. After a few minutes I could hear the poor girl screaming,
"Don't leave me! It's cold!" She sobbed as the man returned through the tunnel alone. He slammed the doors closed muting the sound of the girl sobbing. My heart broke as I was brought back to reality. I was confused as I open my eyes to find myself back on the table next to the girl I just witnessed being locked up never to be seen alive again. Her tear streaked face glared at me. I understood why she was mad. I looked at her desperately,

"Cindy," I said praying that was what George had said her name was, "I know that man did a terrible thing to you," my voice shook.
"But that was him, not me. I didn't hurt you Cindy."

Somebody, somewhere seemed to have pushed a reverse button.ectoplasm twirled and fell back onto the table before shrinking away. I looked around, Cindy was gone. I sobbed in relief and realized that the echoplasm had burned the cuffs on my hands and I was able to pull them free.

Giorgia Lo Russo

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