Deal or No Deal

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Wallet did his job, George raced out of the house, bleary eyed and disheveled in a shirt and boxers.  Someone took a swip at him, he barely dodged it and brought his own rapier up.

Axels father converged on George and I had to step in to block his blow. Axel's almost identical father turned his attention to me.

He whipped his rapier toward me with ease, but I struggled to dodge, the run earlier had drained my energy and this fight was already pushing it for me. He smiled a controlling smile then lifted his rapier above his head— I flung my sword up; I knew I was too late-

I felt an expected jab of the sword, a small prod into my shoulder. I stumbled and fell backwards and inhaled sharply landing on my butt.

Around me I could see my team falling apart as well, Lockwood and Axel were using the last of there energy to fend of the never ending wave of people in lab coats, and I watched as another person joined the woman in attacking George. I found it hard to swallow because of the position Axel's father's sword had hit me, I felt as though I had something stuck in my throat.

"Your team has fallen Lucy." Axel's father said, I averted my eyes back to him. I clutched my bleeding shoulder, wet and hot. I felt dread as he stepped closer, looming over me. his rapier swayed lazily from side to side, he had not a crease of worry on his face. He wasn't here to kill us. I would not let us become test subjects again.  Had Axel been the one to tell him about my hearing ability? Was I the reason they were attacking us?

I bowed my head in defeat, just enough to hide my face and hands from view. I had to think of something quick. My rapier was just out of reach, so I tried to search for something else.

My hand went intuitively to my waist for my work belt but I hadn't brought it. Uhg what I would give for some iron, many time I had escaped hostile people by chucking it in their eyes.

But no, I would have to think of something else. I felt my shoe,  it was loose fit and slipped easily off.

"Call down your friends Lucy, we don't want to have to kill—" I chucked my shoe directly at his head.

He slashed at it with his sword and I darted for my sword. I swiped it up and ran to Axel and Lockwood

I hit the back of one of their opponents with the back of my rapier and they crumpled. Then it was three on two.

With Lockwood and my practiced team work we seamlessly worked together, Axel tried to mimic our rhythm, and soon was roughly following along.

Adrenaline rushed through my blood as we fought the people circling George. His captures became preoccupied with us allowing him to stand and attack them from behind. Then he pulled out a flare.

"Bombs away!" He screamed chucking it at some approaching thugs. This one blew up spraying molten salt and iron and clods of dirt and grass.

"Watch the lawn!" Lockwood yelled at George. I made a mental note to call George bomb lord from now on.

The sun was starting to rise, if we could just hold off until it was morning—

"Axel!" A small voice yelled, it made me freeze.

Axel's dad called down his men. The voice had come from Acela, who he held at knife point. I turned to Axel, his eyes were full of pure fear and hatred. We had lost.

"Drop your rapiers," exclaimed Axel's father with clenched teeth. He had a red mark across his face where my shoe had slapped him.

I tossed my rapier to the floor, and it felt as though I was throwing down my adrenaline as well. I body weighed me down, I was exhausted.

I felt a pair of hands grab me and push me to the floor, I yelped as my hurt shoulder was pushed against singed

I glared at Axel's father while they pulled ropes around us, and not to gently either. Lockwood seethed next to me. 

Axel's father tossed Acela at axel who caught her, they fell to their knees together.

"You betrayed us!" Lockwood spit at Axel, "you wanted to find a way out for yourself."

"I was trying to protect you." Axel said now desperately watching us, Lockwood laughed humorlessly. I didn't make a sound.

"Help is by giving us by giving your father a perfect opportunity to attack us?" He sneered. I looked down at the floor,

"No," he said a little stronger,"my father wanted to talk, I thought I could reason with him." Before Lockwood could talk Axel's father broke in,

"I sent someone to break into your house when Axel and Acela were alone and leave him a message, we set up a rendezvous. It was your own fault you followed and gave me a perfect opportunity."

"You had men ready! You were never there just to talk." I said, Lockwood tried to stand a burly man hit him back down.

"Ok you caught me", Axels father said with a shrug.  "I knew my son was too stubborn to listen. So I'll give you the opportunity instead." Axels dad faced us. "I would like to formally hire Lockwood and co for a haunting."

We were shocked silent.

"Bs Bitch." George spat into the silence, axels fathers face curled in distaste.

"I would except my offer now before your team becomes one member smaller."

"Don't do it." Axel said looking at Lockwood, "he can't get his hands on the—" his father kicked him in the ribs, he rasped for breath.

"Look I think I'm being rather reasonable, of course because I am generous I'll give you a counter offer. Give my Lucy Carlile and I will leave the rest of you in peace."

"No!" Lockwood said, "we accept your first offer."

Giorgia . Bella . Lo Russo .

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