Sack of potatoes

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I felt rumbling underneath me as I woke up, my head throbbed. I reluctantly open my eyes. Lockwood laid elegantly next to me using a bag of flour as a pillow, George looked like a sack of potatoes. We were in the back of a truck heading who knows where, I gently shoved Lockwood awake. He opened his eyes staring around confused before he remembered last night, (was it last night? I really didn't know).

"Lucy", he said sitting up and putting his head in his hands, "Where are we?"

"In the back of a truck," I shoved George lightly, he mumbled something...did he say Flo?

"Lucy go back to bed," George muttered,"if I'm not awake it's to early."

"George we were just kidnapped."

"Mhmm." He didn't move.

"George, we have donuts," I said pretty sure it was the only way to wake him, he instantly sat up. Once we had calmed George from his panic attack of, 1- not having donuts, and 2- waking up in the back of a truck, we formed a plan to get back to 35 Portland road.

"Before we do anything," Lockwood said," We need to get out of this truck." I looked around, trees surrounded us.

"We should probably wait till we get to a town." Lockwood tried to smile.

"Your right, then we should find a taxi." We still hadn't recovered from our near death experiences. We soon reached a small town with small hills covered with big pine trees, the light of morning just seeping through the branches, Lockwood sat close to me trying to block out the cold wind rushing by. We watched the scenery quietly. After the struggle of nearly dying from jumping off a moving truck- just jump George! The three of us headed to town to find a taxi.

We added up all our pocket money, (I made a mental note to check George's pockets before he went out, he carried way to much, donut emergency money, which in this case, saved us). George Lucy and I just barley had enough money to make it back it London. The car ride back was peaceful all of us were to tired to say anything, I looked out the window quietly, soon Lucy fell asleep on my lap. Then George dozed off onto Lucy's lap. Lucy's face was so calm when she slept, her chestnut hair curled around her face. And George once again looking like a sac of potato's. I nearly had a heart attack last night just thinking they were in danger. I clenched my jaw as a wave of determination over came me. I would do anything for them.

Finally arriving at 35 Portland Road, Lockwood had called inspector Barnes, after a few prying questions and some doctor check ups, we were finally aloud to rest. I hadn't told them the whole truth about the ghost girl named Cindy, I felt that if I told them I could hear ghost and more importantly, speak to them, I would never get a day of peace.

I slipped upstairs into my room as soon as I had entered, I saw Lockwood sleeping on my bed. I sighed an exasperated sigh, did nobody want me to sleep!? What was he doing there anyway? I really should have woke him up but I didn't want to deal or talk with him, or anyone really. We were all tired, I could cut him some slack. I slipped out of the room thinking of were else I could sleep. The couch was a no, detectives still rambled around our house looking for clues on why we were captured, I shuddered at the thought of sleeping next to George. Lockwood would kill me if I went into his room, he was in my bed, but, he still had the power to fire me. That left my room with Lockwood, I was to tired to care as I slipped under the covers, Lockwood was above the blankets like he had fallen asleep accidentally. I quickly dozed off.
Giorgia  Lo Russo

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