Short chat

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I led Lucy into a small office, it was not much unlike the rest of the place, it had yellow lights, and it had no windows, (due to being underground.) I gave a reassuring smile to Lucy, she glared back at me still grasping the curve makeshift knife she'd created. Somehow. This girl was full of mysteries. I sat down behind a desk, Lucy took one of the chairs in front of me.

"Could you stop looking at me like that?" I asked, I suddenly realized that was a stupid question.

"I don't really have pity for people who chain me to a table next to a ghost to see how my body would react to its echoplasm." I grimaced,  feeling guilt fill me.

I wanted to cover my eyes. It was my fault of course. Everything was. It was all my fault that I'm here in the first place. Generally I could detach from my work here. But not from her. There was something that was different about her... something so different I was willing to risk everything to know what it was.

"How did you survive that ghost?" I could see in her eyes that she didn't want to tell me. And I watched her run though every other possibility she might have to get out of here but there were no other options. And she knew that.

I hated him. But it I didn't do this right Lockwood, George and I would be stuck in this stupid place forever.

"I have the ability to talk to ghost and listen to them," I paused for a second, he still watched my intently. "Many times I can start a small conversation with type two ghost. In this case I wanted to find out what had happened to this girl. I'm also pretty good at touch too, so somehow the ghost was able to use my touch and auditory senses to send me her memories."

"She sent you memories? What types of memories?"

"Memories on how she died," I said some what quieter. I again remembered the sob of the young girl and sadness filled my stomach making my shoulders shake. I stood up, my legs aching under me.

"If that is all, would really like to get back with Lockwood and George."

"Yes of course," two scientists walked in the room once again pressing a small paper cloth to my face, I breathed in the fumes, seeing Axel's smile before passing out.
Giorgia  Lo Russo

Lockwood and Co. fanficTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang