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I couldn't sleep. I could hear Lucy walking around in her room, which probably meant she couldn't either, which is surprising because she was exhausted, we all were but her hurting her made her have the worst time. Axel had moved out of her room so Acela wouldn't have to sleep alone on the couch. I got of my bed to go see what Lucy was doing, there was light shining from under the door. I didn't want to startle her so I opened the door a bit and whispered,
"Hi Luce." My plan failed Lucy gave a little shout. I opened the door and there she was sitting on the bed hair all messy her eyes tired, legs folded behind her, and...nipping her fingers, trying to get her attention...was a dog. A black fuzzy little pink tongued scary dog.
"Lucy..." I said.

If I had just ignored Wallet then I wouldn't be in this mess,(yes I named the dog Wallet.) he had been crying and it broke my heart, so I had to play with him, plus take him to the bathroom so he wouldn't pee in my bed. And of course Lockwood comes in right then, not even knocking. I was in trouble. Big trouble.
"What. is. that. Lucy?" Said Lockwood in a dangerously quiet voice. He knew what it was. I pickup Wallet, and before Lockwood could protest I placed him in his arms.
"That's what it is Lockwood." I said calmly. This was a dangerous move and I knew it, if I didn't play this right I would be fired. His body went rigid and he watched as the small dog tried to get comfy in his arms. He relaxed a bit and held the dog.

The little dog was so soft and cozy and suddenly it didn't seem like those big scary dogs in the cages back in the van-
"Lucy..." I said again as I realized,"did you take this from that man that gave us a ride?" Lucy looked uncomfortable and shifted from foot to foot, still looking messy, it was sooo cute-nonono, I was still mad. I mentally slapped myself.
"Lockwood," she said,"that man wasn't treating him right, he was freezing!"
"But Lucy, that's stealing!" I exclaimed.
"No, he was abusing Wallet, so I could take him." I realized what she had called him,
"Wallet?" I looked into the puppy's warm brown eyes, he stuck out so his terrible tongue and licked me on the nose. It was warm and wet. I hated myself for getting mad at Lucy but I couldn't show her that. The dog seemed to understand.
"Ok Lucy," I said smiling at her,"if you take care of him and I find no crap in my house then you can keep your dog." A smile exploded on her face. It was worth it, I thought as she hugged me still holding the dog.

I heard Lockwood and Lucy fighting, "wow" I grumbled as I get up, and walk to her room. I open the door,"ok break it up you guys-" I walk in to not Lockwood a Lucy fighting but them hugging and a...dog? Wait when did we get a dog? I walked in to save the dog from Lucy's embrace. Lockwood seemed so happy he didn't seem to notice, but when Lucy saw me she immediately let go taking the dog in her hands.
"Please tell me that's not you and Lockwood's child." I said. Lucy glared at me. Lockwood didn't seem to notice he was still dazed. It suddenly dawned on me...Ohohohoh! Lockwood Loves Lucy. I knew he had a crush but I was to oblivious to notice he loved her!!
Did she love him back?!? While I noticed this Lucy tucked the dog to sleep in a makeshift bed.
"You" she said wiping around and waving her finger at me and Lockwood,"out" she pushed Lockwood out the door, when I didn't follow, she said
"What do you want?" She still limped a bit on her ankle,
"I was just wondering," I said rubbing my glasses on my night shirt,"do you have a crush on Lockwoo-" realizing what I was asking, she violently shoved me out of the room,
"Night," she said closing the door. I walked to me room grinning. She never said no...
Giorgia . Bella . Lo Russo .

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