Chapter 5

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Kennedy's POV

"Here you go boss" Louise said while he offered me the black coffee.

"Thank you Louise,Are you sure It's fine to leave Arlo here with you?"I ask worried as I look at Arlo with sadness while sipping my coffee.

"Ofcourse boss,Anything for this little guy."he chuckles as He grab Arlo from the table and cuddled him.

"And are you sure,You and Carlos can take care of the café?"

"Ai,Boss stop worrying so much,We could take care of the café,We promise " Carlos butted in as he put his arms on Louise's back.

"Okay just call me when there is a serious problem going here ok?"

"Aye Boss!" They salute to me as I chuckle.

"You do know that the two of you are older than me,right?" I chuckle as I grabbed my suitcase and they escort me out of the café.

I hugged Carlos" Thank you for letting me use your car Carlos" I smiled.

"Like we always say Boss,anything fpr you and little Arlo" he chuckled while I kissed Arlo's snout and ruffled his fur.

"Im really sorry bud that Im gonna leave you here but Daddy will come back,Promise" I said teary-eyed and slowly walked away while He whines and I opened the car door and closed it.

"You two better take care of my little baby and Guys please do not ever tell my Family or Other people who will be asking for me where I have gone to!unless if it's important." I shouted as I drove and saw Arlo barking sadly.

I sighed as my phone rings, I saw Mikhail's name appeared on the screen while I answered it.

Hello?- Kennedy

Kennedy!We're the fuck are you? - Mikhail exclaimed on the phone

Sorry,Cant tell you .- Kennedy

What the fuck do you mean That you cant tell me, huh? Mama and Papa are fucking worried about you- Mikhail

Mik,I need some space, This whole wedding,living together,Mafia thingy is messing up with my head,At least just once,Let me be.-Kennedy

Rumors on the Mafia world about you being Mikhail's soon to be Donna has already spread out,They'd be planning on taking you so You'd better fucking tell us now where the fuck are you!- Mikhail

You curse a lot by the way but Im still not telling you besides all of you can sort this out, Bye Mikhail tell Mama and Papa, I love them especially Lisa and you- I said as I hung up.

I sighed and smiled at the same time as I drove to the Airport.


"Ahhh! Fresh Air!" I shouted out as I got down from the public plane...Knowing that if I use the private plane ,Our family owns... Im pretty sure that the pilot will tell them as soon as I board the plane.

So me trying to be smart ,throwed my old phone away not before transferring the photos of me and Arlo to my new phone because my parents will track me through my phone just like they did last time. When I went to sneak into a party for the first time without telling them. And Im sure glad that I let someone build me a house here in Canada without telling my Family... Because right now I feel like being Alone without any part of my family with me to bother me,Not even Arlo.


Walking into the house, I smiled when I saw It all cleaned and on the right places . I plopped down on the couch as I layed quitely while my eyes drifted off to sleep.


"Im really glad that you're here, Kennedy,It's a real pleasure to have someone help here in the Orphanage" Clarissa smiled as I put the little buggers in bed ...

I kinda miss Arlo now.

"No problem ,Clarissa... It's good to see that the kids are happy here " I smiled and grabbed my bag.

"So when will you be coming back home? Im pretty sure your family misses you." She ask while escorting me to the door.

"I honestly dont know, I'll just wait and see I guess." I answer.

"Im pretty sure if you left ,The kids will really miss you" she smiled sadly " And little Gabby will miss you the most and you made a promise that you will be there at her birthday party." She said seriously

"Dont worry,I'll be there at her birthday party, and when I come back here, Im going to adopt her as my own" I chuckled

"Im pretty sure she'll be pleasured about You planning in adopting here

"Hahaha, I have to go now Clarissa, I wont be sure if I'll come back here tomorrow though" I said sadly .

"Fine, You could go but do not worry,  Im sure the kids wouldn't mind." she said.

"Oh and by the way,Do not tell Gabby that Im gonna adopt her, I want it to be a surprise." I smiled as I walked down the Orphanage and into Carlos's car.


It has been a good two weeks, Staying here in Canada but a little sad because I miss my Family especially Arlo, Nothing special really happened in the café and in my life right now, Pffft, Nothing really dangerous happened with me here and It made me relaxed and safe again, No stress and no wedding-living together-mafia thingy is gonna bother my stay here.


As I neared my house, I saw that there was a lot of black cars.

I sprinted to the door as I grab the knob and turned it,The door opened.

'Strange,I always lock the door before leaving.' I thought to myself.

I ran to the living room and saw a figure sitting on my couch.

"Fernando? "



I know It's really short but this is where the Chapter ends guys. And Im sorry and again Im sorry because I left you in a cliff hanger.

But Do not worry because I will update as soon as I can again guys, Im so grateful tht my Auntie's house has wifi because I'd be dreading if I cant publish a chapter right now... So guys I'll just update as soon as I can amd I know I said it twice already....

But I hope you guys enjoyed the chapter I set out for you guys.


You're a special person If you got into this Chapter because 6ou waited for my update


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