Chapter 7

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Kennedy's POV

As me and Fernando sit in silence inside of his car.

I cant help but remember what happened back on the plane,My heart started beating rapidly again while I clutch my chest.

"Hey,Something wrong?" He asks while he slows down the car and looks at me,Worriedly?

"U-um n-nothing is wrong,Just continue on driving." I stuttered

"Okay and by the way, I have to tell you something..."

"And what is that?" I ask curiosedly.

"When we come back home...You'll be living with me, Starting this day"

"Are you serious?" I frowned.

"Have I ever cracked a joke to you?" He frowns back.

"Your clothes and belongings were brought there,I brought Diablo new doggy things...So you dont have to worry."

"Okay,Seriously stop calling him Diablo." I groaned

"I love calling him Diablo" he says blankly.

"Pfft, Fine you can call him Diablo but his name is still Arlo and please dont tell me you made a dog collar and named it Diablo?" I groaned again.

"I just did" he smirks while I face palm." We're going to your family first,Seeing that they have probably miss you."



"Oh I miss you so much, Filho" my Mama smiled.

"I was only away for two weeks Mama." I rolled my eyes

"But still Mama misses you" she pout looking up at me judging from my 5'9 height and her 5'3 .

I smiled at her as my Papa walks in.

"Good to see you back ,Filho"  my Papa smiled

"You too Papa. Where's Mikhail and Lisa?" I ask as I look for my older siblings.

"Mikhail and Gina are in Hongkong right now,They took Dahlia with them.Lisa's with her girlfriend at the moment." My papa explains

"Oh,Well Okay.So Im living with him starting now? And please tell me I can still go to my café and I can still live like a normal person apart from the mafia-thingy."

"Ofcourse you can Filho" my papa smiled

"Love you Dad,"I smiled asI hugged him.

"Love you too,Filho"

"Kennedy" A dark voice called my name,I noticed and turned my body around.


"We have to go."

"We have only been here for a minute."

"Fine ,We could stay for awhile" he groaned.

"Dont be grumpy Fernando ,At least you would have time to get to know your In-laws too,Seeing that you were too busy finding our Baby here." My Mama chuckled as she poch my cheeks.

"Mama,Stop pinching my cheeks Im not a child anymore." I groaned embaressedly while Fernando chuckles.

"You're still our baby." She smiles while Fernando looks at me smirking with a glint of amusement in his eyes,I smiled back.


"The house is too far from my parents house." I groaned

"But it's safer." He directs

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