Chapter 15

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Kennedy's POV

I silently chew my prepared breakfast and Fernando sits across from me, Reading a newspaper while sipping slowly on his black coffee.

I grabbed another bread and put it on Arlo's food bowl.

I heard a knock on the door and stand up to get it but got stopped by Fernando.

"Stay here. " He stops as he grabs a gun from under the table.

"The fuck? " I said shamelessly as I bent down and looked down the table. Only to see another gun.

"Is this even legal for you guys to put this kind of things under a table in a Hotel? "

"Get back, Kennedy. " he commands while he pushes me back and grips the gun on his hand tightly.

He turned the knob and slowly opened the door as someone gets in and He points the gun

"Put that gun away, You're gonna give me a heart attack. "

"Fuck,Hayato I thought it was someone dangerous and shouldn't I be the one who's gonna get a heart attack since you came out of nowhere?" Fernando sighed as he slowly put the gun down.

"Relax ,It's just me besides I didn't came out from nowhere I came through the door. " he smiled. "We have all learn from the incident from now on ,Damn it was unnerving. " he shivers and smiles to look at me.

"Kennedy! Nice to see you again. "He greets .

"You're early than usual, Where is Kaname? " Fernando asks.

"He's gonna be a little late. " Hayato said as he walks to the couch .

"I'm going to bathe Arlo so you guys go do what you do. " I said then grabbed Arlo and walk towards the bathroom as he starts scratching on my arms painfully again. I hissed but grabbed continue on walking to the bathroom.


As I dried Arlo off, I heard an unfamiliar voice, I walked out of the bathroom while Arlo follows me out.

I saw another guy I'm the room who looks like an Asian. It was hard to think if he was a Japanese or a Chinese or a Taiwanese or a Thailandnese?? I forgot the name they call to people who lives in Thailand.

"Umm, Hi... you speak English right? "I smiled awkwardly as I walk to them and sat beside Fernando.

"Yes ,I do. I am Kaname ,Nice to meet you Donna. "He bows formally.

"Um no need to bow, Just a greeting would be fine. " I smiled

"What happened to your arms Donna? " he asks as He examine my now my full scratched arms that Arlo gave me.

"Let me look. " Fernando says hesitantly as he grabbed my arm and examined it carefully.

"Where did you got this? " he looks up.

"From Arlo, He hates bath so I often got scratches from him Everytime I give him a bath but I'm used to it. " I smiled.

"I'm going to call for an emergency kit and stay here,Hayato please stay with Kennedy for awhile, I will be back soon. " he informed as He grabs his coat while looking at his phone and left the hotel room

"What is up with him? " I asked curiously.

"Security breach on his weaponry company. " Hayato shrugged.

"Is it bad? "

"Not really, Just some small gang stealing some heavy weapon on his Weaponry company. "

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