Chapter 14

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Kennedy's POV

I inhaled the nice cold air of Japan as I walk down the steps of the Airplane following Fernando.

I unknowingly smiled as I remembered what had happened last night,It was scary but It was a start of my new life I just have to get used to it and the fact that we haven't argue for the whole 12 hour flight on the plane.

I followed him to the car as I clutch my jacket tight while Fernando holds a full-jacket-covered Arlo as we get inside.

We sit in the car with a calming essence inside...I smiled knowing this will be a great day,I just hoped as the car started.


"Can you hand me that spoon." I ordered at Fernando then he gives me a spoon.I grabbed it from hima nd stirred my cofee.

"Thank you." I smiled at him as he smiles back."What time will you be meeting the Aka Yakuza-something?" I asked not sure if it was the right name.

"I will be meeting them here sooner or later,So you'd just better stay in the bedroom for awhile."


"If Hayato sees you,He'll try to go after you."

"Like killing me?" I asked then raised a brow.

"No,To try and get you in bed with him." He growns as his eyebrow scrunches up while I chuckle.

"Why?You gonna be jea-" I stopped midway for I was cut off by a sudden knock on the door.

"フェルナンド、もう一度会いに来てよかった!" someone said as that someone soon barged on the door with a chinese language.

"Why is he speaking chinese?" I poked Fernando and he chuckled.

"It's Japanese,I cant believe that you said It was chinese besides where here at Japan not in China." He laughed.

"Ohhhh,Yeah forgot about that" I laughed out while face palming. "Then what did he say?"

"He's a fucked up weirdo,Dont mind him,Now go to the bedroom." He pushed me to the room.

Trans:Fernando,What a pleasure to see you once again.

"Aye,Fernando,Dont you want me to introduce to this young handsome man?Firstly Im not a Weirdo,Im hot as hell and secondly,You do know that I can understand english right?" The chine-I mean Japanese guy chuckled out as He flipped his head.

"He's off limits so Fuck off Hayato,Aren't you here to trade with me?" Fernando hissed.

"Awww,Well can you at least let the hottie stay?" He chuckles as He comes near me and He was suddenly kicked by Fernando in the stomach as He falls on his butt.

"Owww,That hurt." Hayato whined while I help him up.

"Uggh,Let's get to business already so You could leave." Fernando groaned.

"Do not be harsh on me Fernando,I never seen you for almost a year." Hayato chuckled.

"Shut up,Im going to get the papers.Kennedy ignore that fucked-up-weirdo-pervert." Fernando groaned as he points to Hayato.

"Im still hot though!" Hayato shouted at Fernando while the two of us walked to the couch and sat.

"So I heard that you are Fernando's Donna?" Hayato smiled.

"Um yeah? Can you explain to me,What is a Donna?" I asked curiously.

"Fernando never explained that to you?Your name is Kennedy right,Am I right?" He asks.

"No and Yes"

"Oh Well a Donna is somewhat a partner of a Mafia Boss like Fernando ,It's like a pack of wolves,Which is Fernando is the Alpha and you are the Luna,Which is the Alpha's mate,It means your the second highest ranking in your clan." He smiled.

"Soooo,Im one of the leaders of a black market selling company?" I dragged out.

"Something like that."

"So do you have a Donna?" I ask out of nowhere.

"I did but she died when a bomb exploded in our bedroom ,It was supposed to be our 4th year anniversary that night,A flower was sent out to her for the gratitude of her being a good leader to the clan but what we didn't know that It was a trap.The bomb exploded,She died right in front of my eyes and in my arms.I found out who sent out the flowers,I had him killed slowly but even killing that man who killed her,Cant make her come back to me alive ." He explains sadly.

"Im sorry for your loss and Im sorry for bringing this topic too." I apologized sadly.

"It is fine,2 years have passed already since her death,I never moved on but the fact that she wants me to be happy even if She was not here by my side anymore,She was the most good person I have ever known too bad She is not here anymore but She wants me to continue living being happy,That was her last words to me." Hayato smiled.

"Well just like they always say.'Live long and Be Happy and she must be happy knowing that you have done what she wanted for you'." I cheered him up.

"Yes indeed,I want to ask you one question though."

"Ask away."

"How's your sex life with Fernando,Is he really good in bed? Or just-" Hayato grinned while Fernando came out of nowhere and smacked his head painfully with a thick rolled paper on his hands.

"Okay,Shut up perverted-weirdo and Didn't I told you not to talk with this weirdo?" Fernando glared.

"Oh come on ,Let me be,It's not like his being bad to me."I chuckled.



"Here are the papers,Let us talk about this tomorrow."Fernando said as He pushed the papers down on him. "By the way were is Kaname?"

"He's outside ,He's smoking right now since you dont like the smell of cigarettes." Hayato chuckled as Arlo barked as He gets out of the bedroom.

"Hmm,Who is this might be?" He crouched down as He held Arlo up

"That is Diablo." Fernando said.

"Diablo? That is a weird name." Hayato frowned.

"He's real name is Arlo but this guy likes calling him 'Diablo'"I pointed Fernando.

"Well,I will be going then but I will be coming back tomorrow." Hayato smiled as he puts Arlo down and walks." It is good meeting you Kennedy,Until tomorrow." He bidded goodbye and walked out of the room.

"How'd you got his walls crumbling down?" Fernando asks.

"What do you mean?" I frowned.

"Hayato never talks about his Donna ever since she died even though Im one of his closest friends ."

"I dont know." I shrugged.

"Forget about it,Now Can you teach me how to cook Pasta now?" He chuckled.


So Chapter 14 is out Guys and Im deeply sorry for the slow update because I have been doing some shits and I cant keep up with the story but always Hope that there will be an update.

So Vote,Comment,And follow me guys.

Thankies ^O^

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