Chapter 16

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Fernando's POV

Flashback (before Fernando left)

"I'm going to bathe Arlo so you guys go do what you do. " Kennedy said then he lift Arlo up and walked to the direction of the bathroom as Arlo starts scratching on his arms, Kennedy hissed but he continued walking to the bathroom and closed the door .

"You've got a good catch Fernando. " Hayato chuckled.

"So have you made a move on him? " Hayato asked.

"No I haven't, Knowing that he'll punch me in the face if I did it. " I chuckled

"Are you serious? "

"I did kissed him at his first night at my house, Does that count? " I explained.

"Did he punch you? "

"No he didn't. "

"If he didn't then why not do it again? " he leaned

"That is because I kissed him on his sleep and He hasn't known about it. "

"You fucker. " Hayato chuckled as the door open and me and Hayato being active, We point our gun to the open door, Only to see Kaname.

"Kaname! Come join us. " Hayato smiles as he slowly puts his gun down.

While my phone rings. I answered it.

Only to get a bad news.

I frowned and end the call.

"What you frowning for Ani? "Hayato asked.

Ani: stands for Brother

"Somebody stole 3 trucks full of ammo on my Company. "

"And you're still sitting here? "

"I'll wait for Kennedy to finish and tell him I'm going somewhere. "

"I never saw you been patient before... Why not just barged inside the bathroom and tell him, I'm sure he'll understand. " Hayato smiled

"I will wait for him ,He doesn't like it when someone disturbs him while doing something. "

"Since when have you've been caring? "

"I do not know."

The door to the bathroom opened as Me nedy walked out followed by Arlo

"Umm, Hi... you speak English right? "He smiled awkwardly as he walks towards us and sat beside me.

"Yes ,I do. I am Kaname ,Nice to meet you Donna. " Kaname bows formally

"Um no need to bow, Just a greeting would be fine. " he smiled.

'Damn it, He should only show that smile to me. ' I mentally cursed inside my head

"What happened to your arms Donna? " Kaname asks as he looks at Kennedy arms and My eyes landed on his now scratched arms.

"Let me look. " I said then grabbed his arms carefully as I examine it.

"Where did you got this? " I looked up.

"From Arlo, He hates bath so I often got scratches from him Everytime I give him a bath but I'm used to it. " he smiled and I got a hard-on

"I'm going to call for an emergency kit and stay here,Hayato please stay with Kennedy for awhile, I will be back soon. " I scoffed as then grabbed my phone then left the room

"What is up with him? " I heard Kennedy asked curiously as I sighed and walked down the hallway and called for Smith.

"Boss? "

"Send a doctor on my room. " I ordered.

"Yes sir. " he says then I hang up.


I shot the guy who stoled my ammo truck as His companions look terrified.
"Since you guys, Didn't tell me the reason why, You did this, I won't waste my time anymore. "I grimaced .

"Kill him. " I ordered.

"Wait!I will tell you!Just spare my life! " the guy pleaded with sympathy.

"Then tell me already. " I said irritated. "You wasted an hour of my life. " I rolled my eyes

"It was just an ambush, We weren't going after for the ammo's ,We we're just ordered, Please spare my life. " he pleaded.

"Then what we're you after for and who ordered you? " I asked

"We do not know, We we're just ordered but they we're planning on kidnapping somebody from you. "

I grit my teeth and grabbed my phone to dial Hayato's number.

"Hai? "

"Take Kennedy to safety ,It's an ambush. There is an escape route on the closet inside my bedroom.Just push the wall .it will open, Hurry! "I ordered Hayato and I ended the call.

"Kill him. " I ordered again as my hit man shot him right in the head, I left the cell and walked to my car.

"Go back to the hotel. Make it fast"

"Yes sir. "He drove.


I stand outside the emergency room while the Doctor do their miracle on Kennedy.

I waited impatiently while Hayato and Kaname sits quietly

I can't help but remember what I have saw.

When I got to the hotel ,I saw the car of my men on view ,I saw the emergency response pulling out an unconscious Kennedy while Arlo continues on barking helplessly for his owner .

I sighed sadly as I put up on a blank face.

The door to the emergency room opened while the doctor pulls his mask away from his face.

"How's my husband Doc? " I asked

"He had a serious hit on his head, He will be unconscious for probably a month, Other than that he fractured his right arm due to holding on somebody and He got a major stitch on his neck due to the shattered glass, but he will heal on time. He's gonna be fine sir. " the doctor smiled then left while I walked inside the white room and saw my Donna unconscious on the bed.

I slammed my fist on the wall knowing that It was my fault because I left him unprotected .He has a lot of needles sticking on his body when he should be outside playing with Arlo and talking happily with Hayato and Kaname.

This shit happened so fast. I hate myself for leaving him out of nowhere.

"This is all my fault. " I sighed sadly and sat beside Kennedy 's hospital bed.


Chapter 16 is out guys, Let me know what you think and picture from above is Dong Wook aka. Kaname Kagashi

PS .If he's last and first name ring a bell on you means I've got this name on an Anime Character

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