Chapter 21

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Kennedy's POV

I quietly sat and looked at the swaying trees outside the mansion of Fernando as I calmed my mind trying to forget my nightmare.

13 years passed already and it came back again,I thought that nightmare was gonna be long gone and more importantly wouldn't come back.

I sighed deeply as I grab a hold of my hair and grip it tightly as tears roll down my face.

"Droga!(trans:Damn it)" I shouted angrily with a trembling voice as I punched the glass window beside me while my knuckle bleeds as the blood drips on the wooden floor.

Several bodyguards rushed inside including with Fernando,Hayato and Kaname inside the library looking for any threat ,Only for them to see me with a bleeding hand.

Fernando rushed by my side as he grabbed my bleeding hand and examined it carefully.

"What happened?" He asked concerned.

"Nothing happened." I said sternly while I pulled my hand away as I wipe my cheek stained tears with my right hand then walked away from the library and made my way to my room that I share with Fernando.

I searched through the cabinet for the first aid kit as I saw it ,I grabbed it and walk to the bed as I cleaned my wounds.

I poured the alcohol on my wounded hand as it stings,I hissed and grabbed the white clean cloth as it turns into a crimson red cloth .

"Nothing happened huh?" Fernando asked smugly as he leaned his body in the Door frame of the room while I kept quiet and kept on cleaning my wound.

"Kennedy,At least talk to me,Gabby is starting to get worried about your actions for the last few days,You haven't been yourself." Fernando said concerned and worried as he sat by my side and grabbed my left wounded hand as he gave it a peck.

"What happened?At least talk to me about your problems,Didn't I said that I want this relationship to work out?"

"I don't want to."

"Why?"He asks worried as Gabby burst through the door and jumped on top of me.

"What happened to your hand,Lord Kwennedy?" she asks innocently as she inspect it.

"Lord Kennedy just got his hand smashed to the window princess .Don't worry about it,Lord Kennedy is brave enough to handle this kind of wound." Fernando smiled on the little girl on my lap.

"What's a wound?"she asks Fernando directly with innocence in her sweet voice.

I smiled as I hold in my laugh.

"Don't use deep words with her,She's still four you know."I chuckled as Gabby grabs the bandage and peels it as she starts putting bandages one by one on my hand full of scars.

I gazed at Fernando to see him smiling gently down at us, I smiled back.


I softly caressed Arlo's fur while he lies down with me on the floor,While Gabby and I watch her favorite movie...

Fernando sat at the couch as he scurry through his discarded files.

"What you finding for?" I asked him.

"A file..."

"Was it important?"

"Not really but I need it for a report"

"You sound like you're an employee of your own company..."I chuckled.

"I'm the employer." He shrugged as he held another paper.

"Excuse me for now but I probably wouldn't be coming back here for a week or so,Don't wait on me,Ok?"He smiled say at Gabby as he ruffled her hair.

"Aww why?" Gabby sadly pouted.

"Lord Fernando has an important thing to do,I promise to take you to a mall and let you buy all the things you want,when I come back.Ok?" He smiled "I'll be going now,Goodbye Kennedy,You too Diablo,Again Gabby dont wait for me ok?"he lastly said then left the room quietly.


2 weeks,5 days,8 hours,17 minutes and 12 seconds passed.

That Fernando has left and still has not come back.

Gabby sat in front of the main door again with Arlo in her lap while they wait for Fernando to come back.

I sigh as I sat down beside her while the guards stand by our side.

"Lord Kennedy?"

"Yes ,Sweetheart?"

"When will Lord Fernando come back?"

"I don't know sweetheart but didn't Lord Fernando told you to not wait on him?"

"But-"she pouted and sigh .

"Go play with the guards,I'm sure they missed playing with you,Isn't that right,boys?" I turned my body towards them as they happily nodded and Gabby smiled and stood up then played with the guards.

'Where the fuck are you? 'I gritted through my teeth as I stand there quietly looking at the door.

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