How he kisses you

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Jason Voorhees: If he does take his mask of he often kisses your forehead because of how tall he is.

Freddy Krueger: He kisses your neck more often than not. I mean it's Fredrick

Michael Myers: If he lifts his mask up a bit he'll hold you up to him and kiss you on the lips before setting you down.

Hannibal Lector: He prefers to kiss your hand or your temple. As he is a gentleman he prefers letting you know he loves you by letting you know he's there.

Leatherface: Because of how shy you are he often kisses your cheek which turns into a supernova of red.

Norman Bates: As you flinch away from contact and he's shy he always hold you from the front before kissing your hair. It helps him think and you relax.

Ghostface: He kisses your shoulder showing he both loves you and wants you.

Pinhead: As he loves causing pain it's more often that he will bite. But if he does kiss you it's on the lips before finally pulling away your lips bleeding and bruised

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