You get pregnant

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Jason Voorhees: When you told him he was very happy. He didn't let you do anything that could harm you or your bump and stayed close.

Freddy Krueger: He at first didn't like the idea of sharing you but grew to it after a while. You couldn't help lure in victims anymore as he got extremely overprotective.

Michael Myers: He loved the idea of you having his baby. He helped out a lot with taking care of Damion and making sure your little bump was ok.

Hannibal Lector: He knew before you did! He simply smiled when you told him as he held you close. He loves to hold you a hand on your bump.

Leatherface: He was very happy. His brothers didn't like it though seeing as you now came first. Mama loved the idea of becoming a grandma and stayed with you when he couldn't.

Norman Bates: The poor guy fainted from shock. Once he woke up he started freaking out and saying he wouldn't be a good dad. After you calmed him he just held you happy.

Ghostface: He literally ran around yelling that he was a daddy. Once he calmed down he almost snuggled you to death. He loved you baring his child.

Pinhead: Eliot was a happy man. He held you close and hated leaving your side. He started making sure you were close and your bump safe at all times.

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