Your Family

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Jason Voorhees: You mom wasn't the best but she was the only family you had. Your father left you when you were born. No siblings for you.

Freddy Krueger: You never knew you parents sense they died in a car crash when you were a new born. You were raised by your aunt who treated you like her own daughter.

Michael Myers: You had your mother and father, but you killed them. Your father was a rapist and your mother used you as a punching bag... Not the best parents.

Hannibal Lector: You lived in a normal family with a mother, father, and a brother. Your mother and father were narsasistic and always tried to mouch of you and you brother. Your brother was the opposite of them and you would meet every month to talk. You also had a niece who came from a one night stand. But the two of you adore her.

Leatherface: You had ran away to get away from your family. Your parents and 2 sisters abused you. Your parents often yelled about you were the reason they were broke. But it was because your sisters (who were sluts) used so much money buying clothes and fixing there ugly faces...

Norman Bates: You family was very toxic. You got away from them the minute you could. Norma raised you the best she could leading her to be your second mom. Norman liked this because you stayed close.

Ghostface: You were raised on the street from a group of thief's. They took you in and showed you how to steal. You became one of the best.

Pinhead: Your family was a very religious family. Your mother was a teacher in catholic school while your father was a priest. You came to hate your family after discovering you liked pain.

I'm sorry this is a week late I was in bloody hell.

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