You get hurt

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Jason Voorhees: One of the horny teens had pushed you into the water. Seeing as you can't swim you almost drowned. It wasn't until one of the females realized you weren't joking and got you out. When you were carried back to your cabin Jason appeared and watched over you angry at that boy. Later that night he killed him slowly before taking his heart and handing it to you which made you smile and snuggle him.

Freddy Krueger: You had scraped your knee while running at school. When he found out he tended to it before killing the Pe teacher for making you run. Freddy we really need to talk...

Michael Myers: Well Damion was in this teething stage and kept niggling on you. Michael than took him away and gave him a cold banana chip before making sure you were ok. He wasn't mad seeing as Damion didn't know better. You weren't either and went to the store to get some teething toys for your little one.

Hannibal Lector: A jealous lady had pushed you down the stairs hoping it would kill you. When Hannibal was called and told you were in the hospital he got there quickly. You had an concision and a broken arm. When you told him who pushed you, she died a slow and painful death. He took care of you making sure never to hurt you.

Leatherface: You had Horton a sunburn and was tending to it when he found out. He helped you tend to it before letting you go seeing as he knew he couldn't help more than that.

Norman Bates: You had fallen and broke your leg when he found you. After taking you to the hospital he used this as an excuse to make sure you were  ok. He spent any free time cuddling you and making sure you couldn't break you leg again.

Ghostface: A victim had stabbed you when you were killing them. When the poor guy was dead he tended to your wounds with upmost love and care making you blush at his gentle touches. He was only like this for you.


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