Snuggles~ ^_^

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Jason Voorhees: Its often seeing how possessive he is. Being alone and always wanting your attention will do that to a person. It's pretty much a big bear hug and he won't let go for an hour or so.

Freddy Krueger: If he will settle down for a minute then that's when you snuggle. Your the little spoon and him the big spoon. Mostly because he likes smelling your scent... Weirdo...

Michael Myers: Your often in bed on him as he plays with your hair. Seeing as he is giant and it's the best way to make sure he doesn't crush you. Your his baby. He likes you in his arms.

Hannibal Lector: If your cooking he will come up behind you and hug your waist. If your reading your in his lap with him reading over your shoulder. In bed your facing him your face buried in his chest.

Leatherface: It's not rare that the big puppy like man would hug you and nuzzle onto your neck. It's less rare for the said man to hold onto you tightly until he has to literally be dragged off you.

Norman Bates: He often holds your hand, but if his shyness doesn't get in the way he will pull you into his chest and stroke your back. You actually allow him after slowly getting used to his touch. But sometimes if he surprises you, you'll flinch. This is why he comes up to you from the front.

Ghostface: It's not rare for the two of you to be snuggling on the couch while watching a horror movie. But if your on the bed he is actually the little spoon loving your breasts against his back.

Pinhead: If he's not hurting you or someone else, you are somehow touching him. But you don't snuggle often.

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