50 Evil Sounding Girl Names

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1} Charon - Theferryman of Hadesl who takes souls accross the Styx.

2} Eblis - Persian devil meaning 'despair'

3} Carman - Celtic goddess of evil magic ☆

4} Regan - From The Exorcist ☆

5} Samara - From The Ring ☆

6} Addane 

7} Abaddon - King of Locusts in hell  ☆

 8} Azreal - Muslin angel of death (and Gargamel's cat in The Smurfs) ☆

9} Caym - The grand president of hell

10} Empusa - Shapeshifter demon that eats travelers.

11} Gorgon -  A female demon with snakes on her head

12} Hecate - Queen of witches

13} Hantu Kopek - Nightmare demon

14} Jahi - Demon who specializes in debauchery 

15} Jezebeth - The demon of falsehood ☆

16} Kasdeya - Known as 'Fifth Satan'

17} Lilith - Female demon

18} Nyx - Goddess of the night

19} Ravana - Hindu king od demons

20} Yuki-Onna - A female demon lures young men to remote areas with the intention of drinking their blood

21} Belladonna - poisonous plant

22} Blair - From The Blair Witch Project ☆

23} Carrie - From Carrie

24} Clarice - From Silence of the Lambs ☆

25} Elvira 

26} Ivy - Poison ivy

27} Ebony - Meaning dense and black

28} Noire - French for black

29} Rosemary - From Rosemary's Baby

30} Ophelia - From Hamlet

31} Raven

32} Myra - Means evil ☆

33} Gethen - Means dark

34} Thana - Means death

35} Mallory - Means unfortunate  ☆

36} Vega - Swooping eagle 

37} Belle - A serial killer by the name of Belle Gunness who murdered men and her own children

38} Medea - Ruthless revenge 

39} Maeve - Means warrior ☆

40} Lorleli -Means destruction 

41} Ava/Eva - Life

42} Malinda - Black serpent 

43} Cecelia 

44} Nerissa - Character in Merchant of Venice

45} Rowena - Character on Supernatural who is too badass...

46} Rue - Means regret

47} Lenin - Vladimir Lenin

48} Faine

49} Lycia

50} Echo

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