50 Latvian Names for Girls

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1} Sofija - Wisdom, skill

2} Emilija - Work

3} Marta - Lady, mistress ☆

4} Agnese - Lamb, pure

5} Alise - Noble ☆

6} Greda - Strength, power

7} Aska - God is gracious ☆

8} Natasha - Resurrection 

9} Margrieta - Pearl

10} Sabine - Cat like ☆

11} Taska - Born on Christmas

12} Karlene - Free man ☆

13} Lilija - Lily 

14} Velna - Female devil

15} Nessa - Pure ☆

16} Rozalija - Rose

17} Nadina - Hope ☆

18} Liene - Dwelling

19} Brigita - Form of Bridget 

20} Daina - Song

21} Linda - Soft tender

22} Zoja - Form of Zoe

23} Anya - God was gracious ☆

24} Klara - Clear ☆

25} Kristine/Kristiana - Christian woman

26} Rota - Flower

27} Ilma - Desire

28} Ia - Peaceful

29} Valda - Power

30} Virma - Ruffle ☆

31} Gaida - Guide

32} Audra - Storm ☆

33} Abolins - Clover

34} Urzula - Little bear

35} Zanna - Quick, alert

36} Zelta - Gold

37} Parsla - Flake

38} Pipene - Daisy

39} Lisbete - God is perfection

40} Mare - Sea of bitterness

41} Magone - Poppy

42} Larisa - Citadel ☆

43} Lule - Poetry

44} Elizabete - God is perfection

45} Edite - Rich in war

46} Sarlote - Sabine woman

47} Beatrise - Traveler  ☆

48} Dvesma - Whiffer

49} Jana - Yahweh is gracious ☆

50} Judite - Woman from Judea

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