Wizard Last Name

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Fun fact: I'm not a big fan of Harry Potter, I have nothing against it but I just never got into it. However, I just recently got back from a trip to Scotland to visit family and we took this haunted walk through a gravesite in Edinburgh. Apparently in that graveyard that's where JK Rowling had gone to find names when writing Harry Potter. All those weird unique names. There are various Potters, there was a McGonagall who was apparently this horribly bad poet who died in the 1800s, Dumbledores and yeah all that jazz. So if you're ever looking for names (last names especially) go to an old cemetery and read the names there. Especially in UK since it's so historic there, I live in Canada. We're only like 150 years old so it's sort of hard to do that around here. If I had more time when I was in Scotland I would have taken down names from there and made a list for y'all.

Also, a lot of the names on the list is basically mixing words together so they don't have meanings, really.

1} Bane - Life ✰

2} Hexhaven 

3} Legendbreath

4} Lionblood ✰

5} Castor - Roman town ✰

6} Nighttheif 

7} Grimstone - Settlement ✰

8} Blackmore - Dark

9} Grimshaw - Goblin

10} Winterbloom

11} Griswold - Woodland ✰

12} Livingstone - Scottish clan

13} Fairbairn - Beautiful child

14} Ashstone

15} Roseblood

16} Romilly - Northern part of France

17} Fernsby - A dwelling near ferns

18} MacQuoid ✰

19} Slora - Leader ✰

20} Gloryblood

21} Fogflame

22} Redridge

23} MacAra - Scottish clan ✰

24} Grimmon - Bear

25} MacCloude - Ugly

26} MacBeth - Son of life

27} Hecate - Goddess of witchcraft and sorcery ✰

28} Stormtamer

29} Trollthorn

30} Skyblood

31} Ravencaster

32} Holloway - Church

33} Alaric - Ruler

34} Alberich - God of magic ✰

35} Medea - Cunning ✰

36} Blackstorm

37} Hitchcock - Endearment

38} Chamberlain - In charge of the masters room ✰

39} Pearlsong

40} Nightenbloom

41} Longton - Distent 

42} Wardyworth - Help

43} Hatchcliff

44} Gray - Colour

45} Loveland

46} Hexgrove

47} Earthcloud

48} Blackcrow

49} Angelstride

50} Ginter - Fair

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