50 Italian Last Name

4.8K 19 13

1} Angelo - Angel ✰

2} Zappa - Farmer

3} Ricci - Curly

4} Luciano - Light

5} Milano - Milan

6} Bruno - Brown

7} Russo - Nobility

8} Viola - Violet

9} Siciliano - Sicilia 

10} Notaro - Clerk

11} Pedrotti - Rock

12} Evangelista - Evangelist ✰

13} Agosto - Increase

14} Bellissimo - Beautiful

15} Fabian - Bean-grower/seller

16} Florenza - Flowering

17} Corsetti - Based on name Bonoaccorso

18} Caro - Beloved

19} Ferro - Iron

20} Colombio - Dove

21} Marino - Marinus

22} Lombari - From a reigon in northern Italy

23} Vacca - Cow farmer

24} Scavo - Slave

25} Pastore - Shepard

26} Capello - Hat maker ✰

27} Notaro - Clerk

28} Denaro - Money

29} Miele - Honey

30} Aldini - Wise, experienced

31} Juliano - Jove's child

32} Longo - Tall

33} Mazzotta - Weapon ✰

34} Piccioni - Small

35} Pompeo - Derived from the name Pompeius ✰

36} Lazzarotto - God helped him

37} Franzese - Frenchman ✰

38} Della Rocca - Someone who lives by a mountain

39} Damiani - From the Goddess Damia

40} Fabbiano - Bean farmer

41} Tempesta - Storm

42} Spinelli - Thornbush ✰

43} Stefano - Crowned with laurels

44} Testa - Head

45} Serra - Greenhouse ✰

46} Rocchi - Light

47} Rosetti - Red

48} Marzullo - Mars

49} Grande - Large, big

50} Esposito - Exposed

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