50 Latvian Names for Guys

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1} Andris - Manly, Brave

2} Emils - Rivaling 

3} Antons - Priceless

4} Augusts - August

5} Markus - War like

6} Miks - Who likes God

7} Stefans - Crowned

8} Daniels - God is my judge

9} Zigfrid - Victory

10} Rudolf - Famous wolf

11} Richards - Powerful ruler

12} Nikolais - Victor of the people

13} Edgars - Wealthy spear

14} Toms - Twin

15} Dominykas - Variant of the name Dominic 

16} Darius - Protector 

17} Waldmar - Power

18} Alexandras - Defender of mankind 

19} Fabius - People who grow and sell beans

20} Matis - Gift of God

21} Gelynas - Flower garden

22} Jonas - God is gracious 

23} Raulas - Crowned with laurels 

24} Petras - Small rock

25} Stephonas - Crown

26 }Rytas - Morning

27} Domantas - Mature

28} Kajus - To rejoice

29} Kristaps - Bearer of Christ

30} Davis - Beloved

31} Nils - To honour

32} Rodrigo - Famous

33} Oliver - Eleven

34} Aldis - From the old house

35} Hugo - Wise

36} Daren - One who was born at night

37} Ronald - Guides 

38} Jaroslav - Fame

39} Lorens - Award winning

40} Bruno - Brown

41} David - Beloved 

42} Chrysanthos - Golden flower

43} Arno - He who reigns Eagle

44} Leonard - Lion

45} Dragomir - Precious and peaceful

46} Romano - Citizens of Rome

47} Edvard - Wealthy, guardian 

48} Jurgis - Editor of Earth

49} Rasmus - Beloved

50} Rainer - Strong counselor 

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